Right i'm determined to finish Laos blogs today, then i still have cambodia and thailand to do....ooppsss really need to catch up!
Well this was a long get to don Dhet we needed to go back to Vientiane (where we started...we do like to do things backwards) That was a 8 hour journey or something like that. Got a chicken sandwich before i left for the journey but when i went to eat it it looked like ham.... not a good look for chicken...iv heard of mutton dressed as lamb but chicken dressed as ham??? now thats a new one. That got binned quickly! On the coach to Vientiane there were two guys sat in frontof us and one of them had the biggest head in the world!!He kept falling asleep and his head was bobbing back and forth andat one point him and his mate smashed heads and woke up, me and char found this hilarious and were literally crying behind them with laughter.... maybe u had to be there!!
When we got to vientiane the only food could see fried cockroaches and gross things like that,so luckily in the shop they sold crisps and french bread...crisp sandwich it was! We then got rushed on to this bus which turned out to be a sleeper bus had actual beds!! We thought we were lucky as it wasnt that busy and me and char had one each ...then we changed at another bus stop and the bus was full... so me and char shared but still was better than a normal bus. I couldnt sleep very well because i was falling out the bed and two because i was abit worried id start shouting crazy things in the middleof the night. As we were getting on that bus we were all queuing and then these thai people just barged past us allto the rude!!they really dont understand queuing around here. I sat up reading twilight for most of the night those books sooo much. Anyway we eventually got to paxse or somewhere like that where we got another bus to the beach where we get the boat across.. this was meant to take 2 hours ended up taking about 4 as the bus driver kept stopping to chat to mates and mess about.
We finally got there and had to walk like a mile with all our stuff to the beach place and then climb over this huge pipe to get there....was not impressed ashadbeen travelling for 28 hours at that point! We got on the boats, char got on one but there was no room left so i got on the next one, we were going to same place anyway...but were we though!!! after the long tailboat dropped me off in a random location and i had to get into the water that went up to my knees and practically climb with my hands up this hill i sat down and waited for chars boat...however im sure i had seen chars boat ahead of me...where was she??
I bought a lemon shake and found a nail in it freakedout and nearly chucked up.. 15mins later she still wasnt here. so i left my bags with this lady we'd met earlier and walked up the road to see ifi could see her but nothing...went back to my stuff and explained to the lady id lost chars...she asked me what her name was and to describe mind went blank i said short hair...she said tallor short i was like ooohhhhohhhhh i know this one shes short!! haha and alip piercing and thats rare enough...,then looking at the lady properly realising she had a lip piercing aswell haha. Apparently she had lost her friend 2 days ago so was meeting him here. Anyway i walked off walking up and down the road but not knowing which direction to walk in and sweating like a banshee. Kept asking people where they drop the boats off and they all said here... so where was she? I was starting to panic a littlebit as it had been over an hour so i sat down had a coke and tried ot think rationally, iknew neither of us had signal on our phones so decided to wait around here for another hour if she didnt turn up id walk to village find internet to contact her and hope shed do the same.... Luckily an hour later i see her walking up the road lugging all her stuff, they had dropped her boat off at the beach and mine off here was ridiculous she was thinking same thing as me. We were both very relieved to see eachother but very hot and tired aswell...why did something like this happen on the day wed been travelling for 29 hours!!
We walked to find somewhere to stay and in my rush i left my sunglasses and cigs in the cafe place. Char said she saw the woman who told her where i was luckily she had seen char otherwise who knows how much longer it wouldv taken. Char had been walking for 20 mins with all her stuff in blistering heat and had sweat pouring off her so we wanted to find a place asap and as close as poss too. The first place we looked at we turned down, this guy was taking us on wild goose chase up and down these stairs before finally getting to the right room...the bed was literally a table and a sheet not even trying to hide it we told him we hadbeen travelling for30oddhours now and would like a proper bed... finally we found somewhere, we got water and headed for bed....
That evening we woke up and went for dinner there was so much weed everywhere..happy shakes,happy bags etc me and char stuck to the wine. Everywhere was so dark they had no lights on at night so i was tripping up everywhere and char had to warn me when we were crossing a bridge so i didnt go to close to the edge. We had some red wine and a very lovely pizza before bed time....twilight time!! Such a crazy animal...everywhere closes at like 11 in laos though... so not toomuch of a loser. The next day we had a MARMITE AND CHEESE sandwich from our place we were staying...first time id had marmite in over 2months....I was soo happy it was amazing!! Then we realised we had hardly any money and had seen signs for bank service... there are no ATMS on this island so we would have to get a boat to island we came from then motorbike to cash point... what the hell!! anyway we had no choice..but then when we asked the guy and he made some calls it turned put we literally had no choice the bank was closed on a saturday!! Stuck for what to do we headedto the beach... we had no money to pay for the nights accomodation or to get off the island...we thought we would be sleeping on the beach...luckily we seen a sign for cash advance and spoke to this very nice and hot english guy that said if we booked with him he wouldsort out the payments and the driverwould just drop us off in kratie (cambodia) at a cash point for us to pay him back....sorted!! welove that guy...we scrimped enough money together for the room for the night and then headed for the beach.... it was boiling so we had a few hours sunbathing and swimming in the river.Went for a lemon shake(without nail) and heard some guy talking to this girl, he was cracking us up so much he was stoned off his head and was telling her bout this business venture he had and about his bowel movements then halfway through his convo he started clucking likea chicken to explain ...well a chicken in his convo we were wetting ourselves... he was very entertaining.
There was also this special guy there i dont usually like to laugh at special people but he had massive lips and was so strange... also we heard some gruesome stories about him pleasuring himself over agirl in the room near him and also pickpocketing...we tried to avoid him altho did get some photos.(mum def cut this out for grandmas hearing).
Anywaythat was don dhet and it was a very lovely place but just a fly in visit as tomorrow we are headed for cambodia woop woop....... And it was also mothers again happy late mothers day mum and suz its ur first mothers day as a mummy..... and screw it happy mothers day everyone!!
- comments
Jamie page Sounds like you girls are having an amazing time. Very jelous !! Keep the blog going .it's interesting to know how it's going. All the best .happy traveling ! Xxxxx