Hello from Hoi An.
After a comfortable taxi ride from China Beach we arrived in the small town of Hoi An. After being lead by a bloke with the worst teeth ever we arrived in our hotel. After dumping our bags it was time to have a look around.
There are so many tailors here. You can't walk more than 2 steps without someone grabbing you by the arm and asking if you wanted to go to their shop. Oh and if you want a manicure/pedicure and anything else you can imagine. We learnt how to say no once and walk off here!
We'd been recommended a tailors called ABC by some girls in Hue so we thought we'd go find them and maybe put a order in or two. After flicking through about 20million magazines and pointing out styles we wanted Kirsty had ordered 4shirts, 2 shorts, 1 coat (I love my coat!)and 1 pair of trousers! Good work! Jules had ordered 2 shorts and a pair of trousers! Don't worry though she made up for it with shoes but we'll come to that in a moment!
After placing our order the girls in the tailors told us the clothes would be ready the next day. So off we went on our merry way to find a place to have some dinner and thats when the heavens opened and it basically rained from then on. Little did we know there was a Typhoon called Durian that had just killed about 100 people on its way towards us.
- Got clothes
- Julie happened to comment on some shoes in another catalogue and the girls at the tailors said that her sister was a shoe maker and she could set Jules up with a couple of nice pairs of shoes. So off we went. Kirsty was sensible this time and only went for 2 pairs of shoes and a pair of boots. Julie came into her own-6 pairs of shoes and 3 pairs of sandals! The girl had done good.
- We also found a fantastic place to have lunch and snacks called Tam Tams. Did the best pasta, salads and milkshakes.
- Cockroach in room. Julie saw a cockroach by the side of her bad which was huge ( bigger than the one in Samui!) and screamed her head off. Kirsty jumped off her bed wondering what the hell was going on. After eventually calming her down so she could figure out what Jules was saying, Kirsty told Jules to kill it! Julie being the
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