Hi Girls
Finally got onto your website and it looks great
We really enjoyed sailing with you both in the whitsundays
Hope your travels have been a whole lot of fun since then as well
Stay safe and we shall follow your progress
Yo yo yo!!!!
Hey guys just had a peek at your website.... love the photos!! How did you like Melbourne? I loved it, did you do the neighbours thing?? Toadie rules!! We are on the East Coast now in Noosa heading up to Cairns, trying to avoid cyclone Nelson!!!! Off to NZ soon. Where are you off to next? I'll email properly soon, need tips for Thailand. Miss you both, keep enjoying yourselves. Look forward to a night out in London when we're all back in good ol' blighty!!
Love Jo x x x
Hey Jules
I can NOT believe that I KEEP missing your calls!!! I am dying to speak to you and find out what you have been up to as the old journal entries have died off a tad eh??!! ;0) ummm just cant help but think of a certain ummm errr ummmm oh yes that’s it a.............leapfrog investigation!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Sorry just couldn’t resist that one!)
We have just got to compare our pics when you get back as I am telling you its freaky! In the one at the Zoo in OZ we even have the same color top on and are standing in the exact same spot!!!!You seriously will not believe it until you see them...
Hope your enjoying your time in NZ the horse riding looked excellent fun...............can’t wait to hear all your news.
Have fun and keep the pics coming, it’s nice to see the sun and tanned people as its freezing back here and we are even on snow alert!
Take Care you travel bum you!
Lots of Love your very jealous friend!
Hey girls, sorry it has been a while but i have just caught up on all the photos, it looks like your having a fab time still (I'm so jealous, it's bloody freezing over here at the mo) I have to say though girls..where the f*** is all your journal entries?, i used to enjoy reading them, it gave me a lot to laugh at!!!! Kirst I'm glad to see that greg has arrived safely. Stay safe and enjoy the rest of your trip. See you very soon.
Sarah. xxx
Hugh Mungus
Hi Ju,
Thanks a lot for breaking the photo drought with this torrent! Some marvellous photos too. What memories. What experiences! :)
I wouldn't like to say which were the best. It really looked as if you enjoyed all the adventures though.
Keep up the good work and make the most of it as the end approaches...:(
New Zealand looks brilliant....I just knew we should have gone there!
Love Mum and Dad
The Stustinator!
Hey Honey!
Hows it goin' sis?
Just wanted to let you have some info...I work with a Kiwi (i.e. a chick from NZ, not a fruit cos that would just be too weird) and she said you have to check out this pie shop...
Basically, you must find a PONSONBY PIE!
Find them either in the shop on PONZONBY RD which is 5 mins from Auckland City Centre
Any good petrol station or supermarket!
Apparently they are the best damn pies in the world!
Hope youre still rockin n rollin across the world and catch ya soon!
Looking forward to seeing you again!
Loads of love and hugs...
PS. Can you send one over? You know the address! ;o)
dear sis
ope u av bin avin a grate tyme in Ozstralia!
fings are reely kewl ova ere to - we av ad loadz of wikid gigz.
saye hi to bex fur me
speek sune
x x x x x
Elly Hemmes
hai Julie&co,
After a hard day working at the hospital(you don,t really miss it,do you?)
i've been looking trough your photos. Wow, they look fantastic!
I can see you are having a great time, building up a nice tan,make some
friends and fun. Enjoy the rest of you trip, when you're back everything
will be the (boring) same!
Hi Jules and Kirsty
Just wanted to wish you both a belated Happy New Year!! You seem to of really started 2007 off in style! Your pics are fantastic and it looks like your having such a brillant time. Your both looking really well and VERY brown! (we are all very jealous:0) ) Great to see your packing loads into your time in OZ, you have seen and done so much already. It will be really funny when you get back to compare our pics jules as some of them are just identical its really spooky!
Well carry on having a fantasic time and in my opinion the best is yet to come......New Zealand!
Love ya loads and missing our 3 hour phone calls heaps!
Love Debbiexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
See Below
Hi Julie, made a mistake, you know me and computers.
It was great to speak to you even if you did get me out of bed, just kidding.
WOW we, what great pictures, fantastic you and Kirsty look so well and happy AND brown. Don't run out of S.T.L. keep appling it okay.
I would have loved to be in the sea with you swimming among the fish. You will have to take up sailing when you get back, having enjoyed it so much.
Hope you enjoy Melbourne and manage to meet up with Becky give her our love.
Take care, regards to Kirsty. Hope to hear from you soon.
Love from Mom and Dadxxxxxxx
Hugh Mungus
Hi Girls,
Welcome to Melbourne!! :)
Mum and I were delighted to see the wonderful photos. What memories you will have; if and when you return.! :)
The photos are excellent and many are stunning! Stunning landscapes, seascapes, sunsets and lastly, but not least, you girls too. It looks as if the weather was mainly in your favour this time....for a change! :)
The crowd on the boat seemed to be a happy bunch...it's often the personalities and characters who make it. I'm sure that both of you added your, undoubted, wit to the occasion.
We look forward to hearing from you again soon. I do hope that you make contact with Becky soon.
I hope that Kirsty has the slow motion camera ready for her meeting with Gregg....not long now Kirsty!
Love from M A D, Ferndown