After a great nights sleep and good feed the night before (braciole and verdure di griglia - Italians take on meat and veg) we woke to another flawless blue sky. We had breakfast in the grand lounge of our B&B which was a massive smorgasbord. The girls feasted on eggs, salami, cheese, prociutto, cake and pastries whilst I stuck to toast as I had not seen standard bread since we left home. One thing the Italians do better than anyone is coffee (albeit tepid). We were served freshly ground cafe lattes (we even got fresh espresso on the train snack trolley) so a nice caffeine buzz to start the day. The Signora here at Terraza Su Buboli has been terrific and gave us the vital transport info for our day out. We then ventured in to town and first stop was the Ponte Vecchio. This is heaven for the jewelry lovers and I can only describe it as having perhaps 30 of the best Italian jewelry shops in a row on a 700 year old picturesque bridge with magnificent views of the Arno river and beyond. Thankfully Tarn kept the credit card in her bag. We then went to the Piazza della Signora where we saw the famous statue of David - the bloke must have been rich as the wedding tackle is nothing to write home about and I cannot see what all the fuss is. We then went to Duomo which I personally think is the single most amazing thing I have ever seen. It is the biggest dome in the world (go stick that in your shorts David if you actually have a pair). I saw it yesterday from the walls of Pallazo Pitti and the heart was pumping but seeing it up close and personal you feel very insignificant indeed. The green and white marble of the actual church/cathedral which I believe is called the Campanile di Giotto is all local and still looks majestic after nearly 700 years. The terra-cotta dome just makes a masterpiece a owner of the world. If someone said to me they could do only one thing in Italy based on my current experiences of Roma & Firenze the Duomo is a no brainer. Truly wonderful. We then got the munchies and after a week of pizza, panini, and pasta we hit Macca's. I hate the stuff but even I had the three p's overload and I can report categorically Macca's is more vile over here - I never believed it possible. We then did a spot of shopping and we picked up a few souvenirs and a couple of necessities from the Fiorentina shop. Gracie loves her new shirt. Forza Viola. The guy at the souvenir stall was a St Kilda fan as his mate in Melbourne was but when I told him all Italians in Melbourne barrack for Carlton he said that's who he must follow - another one for the good guys. Forza Blue-baggers. So the girls and I are having some down time before we head to Venice tomorrow. Tarn has gone shoe shopping and Mum is getting her hair done. So everyone is chilling out. I need all the chill I can get as I get behind the wheel tomorrow in the country without road rules (and sense, and courtesy, and sanity) - seriously I reckon fending off Lions at the Colloseum than getting behind the wheel in the worlds biggest bumper car circuit. Oh well time for mangiare still haven't had that Bistecca Fiorentina yet (and at €45 it can wait till we get to our farmhouse). The food here is great but they could work on their P.R as they slug you €10 to sit and then expect 10% tip of the total bill for effectively doing their job. Love every minute of it though, especially Firenze she is stunning and I am totally smitten. Buona Serra
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