so spent 5 nights in hoian, the longest stretch so far, but we needed a few days to dry our stuff out. i got a tailormade pair of shoes made, they're tottally unique and they say 'monty' down the side - b****in! didnt really do that much there, just rented really dodgy bicycles and cycled to the beach most of the time, melinn got to play frizbee at last so he was delighted. the face was also in his element as he got to control the music in the bar, but unfortunately for him we had to go elsewhere when we realised that all 10 people in the bar were irish (of course). but it worked out well because i got to talk politics with the barman for a good 3 hours, much to the faces dismay (he hates when i do that). aside from a wooden bridge and loads of rats that was about all we saw in hoian.
so we got a 14 hour train down to nha trang which is like a seeside resort town on the beach with loads of fancy hotels but fortunately for us twas rainy season so the place was deserted and we got a room dead cheap. spent the days in bed recovering or hangin out on the beach, did very little there really but still stayed for 4 days. the highlight was definately the last night when we went for the fishtank challenge-8 of us pitched in the 700 dong (35 euro) for what they call a 'fishtank'. it consists of 2 bottles of rum, a bottle of vodka and half a bottle of gin and triple sec and a load os mixers, all served in a bucket not much smaller than a keg. needles to say that kept us going a while and we got our monies worth!! so that put a cap on nha trang and we got the bus down here to saigon (ho chi minh city) where we've been the last 3 days. spent yesterday at the cu chi tunnels where the vietcong used to hide undergroung and while there we got to fire an AK47 which was a cool experience. then we visited the war museum, not as boring as it sounds, the pictures of the war were unbelievable, soldiers laughing at a decapitated head and pictures of murdered women and children and deformed children... enough about that. then last night some chicks ran up to melinn groping him then ran off...with his wallet. and while he ran off to try cancell his cards, the wallet conveniently (a little too conveniently) landed on the barmans lap, minus the money of course, so then we spent the next four hours (no exageration) looking for a phone to call the credit card co. the rule of thumb here seems to be that it is impossible to find anything you are looking for but whenever you're not looking for it, its everywhere, ha.
so headin into cambodia tomorrow, should be cool...
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