ok, bin a while since i was last on so ill try remember the good parts
vand vieng was crazy, nuts, insane, the main event is to float down the river in a tractor tyre and get pulled into bars along the way by guys with sticks, they have huge rope swings and zip lines and slides, i learned to backflip so naturally spent the 2 days doing hundreds of them, good bruises to show for that, oh yea and they serve buckets containing half a bottle of whiskey and energy drink for 3 euro a pop, they sell quite a few! few deadly nights there and when we were all tubed out we went to see some cave which involved hundreds of metres of crawling in the dark, in water on your belly. the face and melinn sat that one out. they tried to charge us a euro across the river so me and chris decided on principle to swim it, which wasnt easy but the beer we spent the euro on was best tastin of them all.
we then went to vientiene, the capital of lao for a night, its nothing special but we of course ended up meetin up with the usual people and havin a few drinks (chris had a few too many and missed his flight in the mornin), and of course we went for yet more bowling. then in the mornin we caught a flight to hanoi in vietnam.
hanoi has 8 million people and 5 million mopeds so its a tiny bit insane at first but cool once you get used to it. EVERYONE here want to rip you off, the taxi driver tried to charge us $80 from the airport and we had to try get out on the highway to convince him to change his mind. the hagglin is gettin fun, we booked a trip to ha long bay, paid 45$ but others on the same trip paid 150$ and got the same trip only a day shorter! Ha long bay was very pretty, thousands of huge rocks jutting out of the water, we climbed a cool mountain in torential rain which was a lot of fun, then we spent the next night on the boat with the charming(not so charming) staff, had a bit of a roof party with various nations, including a very racist south african woman, melinn had the whole bay wetting themselves laughin when he was having a full blown conversation with 'louise from manchester' on a boat on the other side of the bay. then we spent another night in hanoi where we had loads of fun getting a cheap pric for our bus down here to hoi an.
when we went for the 18hour bus, they had sent a moped to bring the 8 people and our bags to the station, after deciding that wouldnt suffice (due to the 2 foot deep flood aswell as the weight and space issues) they said theyd call a taxi, after about 15 mins i asked the guy when it was coming and he told me it wasnt and we would have to walk (he felt no need to inform us of this), then we followed his moped to the main road where he ran out in front of a bus and stopped it to let us on. it was a sleeper bus on which you get a bed but unfortunately we are over 5 ft tall and therefore didnt quite fit. then they closed the road due to the flood so we stopped for 5 hrs and we told to stay in our beds like 7 year olds, (it was half 6). finally gat to hoi an 24 painfull hours later with our bags completely soaked through and everything in them destroyed, that put a dampner on things (sorry). but its all good now coz wer headin to the beach!
(by the way i havent figured out how to reply to those messages people leave for me but i will when i have more time, leave me ur email if you can)
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