The last few days i've been a bit sick so I've just been resting at home so there wasn't really much to write about. I lost my voice yesterday wwhich was especially annoying. But I'm feeling heaps better today and I've got the majority of my voice back. But I did manage go around to a few phone shops to ask them about international SIM cards to use with Anaëlle's old phone (which is pink). It's nice of her to give it to me but I'm sure if I pull it out in a really blokey bar it won't go down too well. But when I was at an Orange phone shop (orange as in the phone company, the shop was only partially painted orange), I explained what happened with the iphone and how that was the reason I was there, and he summed it up beautifully. He just said "welcome to Paris".
But anyway, today I went out to buy a couple of warmer clothes because we're no down in the french countryside staying with anaëlle's grandma for the weekend. We left at about 6pm tonight and it was a 4 hour drive, but in Australia for the same distance it would be about a 5 or 6 hour drive. This is because of how insane french people are on the road. For the majority of the time we were on the highway, we were doing 140km/h even though the speed limit is 110km/h. But there were still people zooming past us that must have been doing at least 160km/h. We also changed lanes frequently without indicating just to go around a corner a bit tighter or to go around a few trucks. The only time we really slowed down to the speed limit is when we went passed a car that looked a lot like an undercover cop car. So we slowed down to about 115km/h and slowly edged away from them, and once they were out of sight it was right back up to 140km/h. When we did slow down for that bit it actually felt really slow even though it was still over 100km/h
We got here at about 10:40 but Anaëlle's grandma was still awake which I thought was pretty cool. She seems to be a really nice person but she doesn't speak any english so I'm going to Anaëlle or her mum to translate for me a lot. I've got my own seperate part of the house, kind of like a granny flat, which is quite ironic. But it's a really nice big house.
But it really it's just nice to be away from Paris for a while.
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