Over a scrumptious breakfast of pancakes and syrup we met a small brigade of people who I quickly nicknamed: Gnomes (Naomi), French Fries (Matthau) Glenjelafever (Rhys Glen Brady), Britney Beers (Britney) and Randy (who's name was so ridiculous already I didn't bother thinking of a nickname for).
Chelsea being the trooper that she is, had organised a trip to a local mud spa for us and everyone was keen to tag along, in the end all seven of us went.
Our driver, Junior, whisked is off in the tightly packed car and a tropical storm broke out above us! I've never seen rain like it! The raindrops resembled a two pence coin and bounced off the floor with claps of thunder booming around the local hills.
Our spirits were in no way dampened by the rain as we clambered out of the car at the spa and quickly realised that someone on a farm had simply dug a massive hole in the lawn and filled it with water! There was a changing hut and two other pools in fairness and we had an absolute scream messing around and joking; seeing everyone covered on mud was really strange, their teeth and eyes seemed to glow white in contrast.
The mud pool was also teaming with frogs, which sounds kind of disgusting but they made relatively good swimming companions.
With vast amounts of twiggy mud attached to every crevice of my body I waddled back to the car where Junior was waiting for us. After a good hour and a half of frolicking around we had all worked up quite an appetite and decided to wave goodbye to Junior in town and grab a bite to eat.
With a succulent Chinese meal behind us we flagged down another taxi and all piled it. There wasn't enough space for all of us so I ended up sat inside a tyre in the boot surrounded by enormous speakers. The ride home was full of laughter and booming music where everyone was dancing and singing along to our driver's compilation cd. Looking out the back of the tinted estate's window I had a very broad smile, it had been a great day.
Back at our accommodation some local men were playing volley ball, we decided to ask if we could get involved. They were only too keen and happily let us jump on with them. As it turns out we were utterly abysmal and embarrassed ourselves no end - to the the point were we almost felt awkward for ruining their game. One Fijian kept trying to lay the ball up for Britney and would should, 'This one is for you dear!' all the time, it was a good giggle.
With mud still crusting my ears and my palms stinging from volley ball we headed to bed ready for our boat to Bounty Island in the morning.
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