Hey you 2! Tomorrow is Sponsored events for us and I'm getting the pleasure of being killed alive at Dodge Ball! That takes us to the fortnight 'tattie hols' - can't wait! Keep smiling! P.S. Remember that spiders are more afraid of humans - AYE RITE! XXX
hi ladies-just back from culloden with s2 - Jacobites lost again for the second week in a row (just like aberdeen) and it was certainly not as warm as where you are this week. Good too see you are both washing behind your ears - those images make the pair of you look like extras from the movie 'The Mission'. If you see that maradona guy kicking around your empty 'coke' bottles tell him aberdeen are scouting for someone who can kick anything-ps in 1978 a scottish football team went off to argentina with a dream, they were never seen again - could you look in the devils throat? pps avoid eating any corned beef for dinner - 500 aberdonians who ate it in 1964 got typhoid - pps don't mention the falkands and/or malvinas- and finally ...'don't cry for us whilst your in argentina- your blogs make us feel you have never really left us'!- rant over - back to the jotters-atonement?- also...any chance of portraying your tour looking a bit less happy?- stay wild- hasta la vista!
Hi Rachy, hope you are well. I was reading about your unfortunate run in with a tarantula. I'll have nightmares tonight! Bet you have came across a lot of scary things you wouldn't come across here in bonny Scotland and some amazing ones. Like that waterfalls. Beautiful.
I am still awaiting the photographic evidence of Mission No. 2. Once you have met the requirements I'll send you the 3rd one (maybe something a bit easier).
Not much goss for you at this end. Still not into the flat yet. Yuk! I HATE waiting.
Okay well I'm sure I've rambled on enough but I will be in touch. Look after yourself, and Gayle. Miss you! Big Hugs. xxxxx
Auntie Irene
hi gayle and rachel just looked at slideshow 100% to photographers as they are absolutely great. so jealous of the weather as we are having very cold spell. you both look well and CLEAN!! thinking of you lots of love hay family xxxxxx
Glad to see you are both doing a wee bit of geography on your tour. The falls look amazing. My 3rd and 4rth year class were looking at the photos today as we are studying waterfalls. Im thinking you pair can be our guides on the next Geography field trip. Camping behind a petrol station, your fairly moving up in the world Rachel, beats our car park.
Will e-mail the pair of you concerning meeting up with ya.
Kelly Stewart
Hey chick, great to see more pics and blogs from you both, glad you're having such a fab time!
Thot I'd update you on new series of The Hills (started lastnite). Lauren has been on a few dates with a guy named Doug, Stephanie had her b'day party and Spencer & Heidi showed up, eek! Still lots of tension between Audrina & Lo, Audrina declared they 'will never be friends'. Uh-oh! Anyway, can't wait for next week's installment, i'll keep you updated.
I'll email you again b4 I go on hol, stay safe and keep in touch. Kel xxxx
Just been looking though the photos and have had a fantastic idea for next year's end of term 'fancy dress'! Missing you two heaps and heaps! XX
Hey! Just back from the SVS trip with fourth year. I am, to say the least, exhausted!!! Was a fab experience though! Thank you for Jim's mention on the last post!!! He was very pleased at getting a mention! Love to you both (and the stuffed animal)!!! x x x x xx
Rebecca Buchan
Hi girlies!
Your photos are so amazing, the reed islands the salt flats . . . Just so much tot take in! You both look so happy, thanks for keeping us so well informed. Miss you Gaylie!
Oh and that bear don't half get about!
Lots of love Beka B x
Liz Bowie
Hi Rachel, I have so enjoyed looking over the photos and reading your blog. Didn't know that you have reached the grand ol' age of 25! Wow - don't know where the years have gone. Love Gayle's teddy - reminded me of Cally in P1 when she had to take a teddy home for a week end. We had to take photos of us doing something special together.......some how a paddleboat ride on Loch Soy pales into insignificance with Blue Bear's adventures though!
You all look as if you are having an amazing time and lots of fun! Take care. Thinking of you.......with extreme jealousy.....ha ha!
Blessings fae Liz x
Gayle - swappin to BT - will leave new E-mail address when Andy does the biz,
Pictures look amazing Gayle, am quite jealous (ssems to be a bit of a recurring theme in these messages!)