Sounds like a great time being had by you both. Brave girls with all the rafting etc. I'm going up to Kemnay this week and will be staying at Pendennis. Argentina sounds amazing. Take care. Alan xx
Tracy Rennie
Hi Gayle, what can I say, sooooooooo jealous! You look your having a fab time. The water rafting sounded pretty scary. R their snakes out there?? Can't believe how fast time is flying for you
Take care x x x x
Claire Garden
hey rach,hope ur havin a ace time,ive been readin about u n lookin at the pics am so proud o u hun,i see jens been updatin u on oaks well tina told russ hes the dad jist before he went away to vietnam we his blone,so hes stayed!!!love ya xxx
good evening ladies-still roasting here in turra-off to culloden tomorrow-jacobites will win this time-photos show just how much you both are suffering in the heat and dust - keep drinking to prevent dehydration--ernesto 'che' guevrara (bolivian hero) once said - 'silence is argument carried out by other means' - he was obviously married! - keep having fun - che continues ...'Many will call me an adventurer - and that I am, only one of a different sort: one of those who risks his skin to prove his platitudes.' -keep safe ladies -today bolivia - tomorrow....?
Hey! I have the worst comp in the world. I have been trying to post a message sooo many times and it's not working. This may work and I may look silly! Hope you two are ace. You certainly sound as if you are having a brilliant experience. All's well here, I'm away a trip for 3 days! Check in with you soon! PS. We miss you both - come back so we can have a night out!!! Will xxx x x x x x x xx <-- Random kisses!
The Farquhars
WOW! Have just viewed your latest photos. They are amazing!
What an experience! xxxx
Happy Birthday my Disco Diva! Wishing you all the very best.
Take good care. Lots of
Jennifer Cowie
Happy Birthday Chick!
25's not so bad really - esp for you this year -you won't forget this Bday will you?!?
Shelley Greig
Happy 25th Birthday Miss Smith!
Sounds Like You's Are Having a Great Time! Pictures Are Ace! SO Jealous!
Take Care Xx
Murray,caroline,raeanne & Rachel
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday Dear Rachel, Happy birthday to you!
Really glad to hear you are both having a fantastic time. lots of love The Farquhars xxxx
Kelly Stewart
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHICK!! Thinking of you today on your 25th Bday, hope you are having fun and get to celebrate tonite. (will beat the Cfield I'm sure!)
I've emailed your hotmail too with more news! Look 4ward to more photos soon of your adventures.
Miss you, Kel xxxx
Rachel's Mum & Dad
Happy birthday Rach. Missin' ya but so thrilled you and Gayle are having this experience. Enjoy your South American celebrations. Love you loads xx