You had olives, where was the breshhhhhetttaaaaaaaaaaaa. Sounds as if your having an ace time. Sick as a pig, I should have been flying out this Friday to meet up with you guys. Counting the weeks to easter.
We have finally booked our flightd out at Easter. Cant wait to meet up. Its a wee step up from Aviemore. Where we going to go the following year? Fiona suggests Macduff. Im thinking skiing in the Alps. E-mail me soon as lost your addresses.
Rebecca Buchan
Hey Darlin
Thank you so much for another fab postcard and a gorgeous card! Im sorry i din't see the 'dont open until the 12th' until after I opened it, honest! It was so thoughtfull of you. it has pride of place on the mantle piece.
Yet more amazing photos from the intrepid travelers. You chill out and have a wonderful couple of weeks.
love Rebecca x x
Debbie Johnson
Hi Gayle!
Thanks for the postcard - good hearing how you've been getting on! Just been looking at the pictures - they're fabby! You certainly are packing a lot into your adventures!!
My sister stayed in NZ for a year in Blenheim - it's at the north of the south island.
Enjoy the rest of your trip - when are you back??
Debbie x
Gayle's Dad
Hi Girls - didn't realise you were going to Fiji next ! For some reason I thought it was "stralia". Cooling down now in Kazakhstan and it's wet so dubs everywhere. Enquired about getting skyped up here but that's a site blocked by the company. Never mind - I'll catch-up from home in a few weeks.
Iona, Tracy, The Rebecca's & Macy
P.S. Stay
Iona, Tracy & The Rebecca's
Hello Miss Cameron
Rebecca B has just been testing her new dining table on us and cooked us a gorgeous meal! Sorry no bruchetta or cheese burger and chips, it was very sophisticated.
We have been having a look at your pics and think you are both very brave with your adventures! We are missing you loads and think about you lots.
Auntie Tracy says "Remember and make the most of your trip!"
Take care and look after each other
Christine Mc
Girls.......... lovin the photos .............they all look amazing! The bungy jumping looks exciting - well done! Keep up with the blogs and photos!
Take care :-)
Kelly Stewart
OMG - you are sooooooo brave Rach!!!
Your face is a mixture of pure terror and excitement. So proud of you for doing that, I wouldve been too scared!
You look well chuffed afterwards, well done for achieving one of your goals : ) More pics soon please.
Kel xxxxxxxxxxx
Renee & Jack
Armchair travellers enjoying your adventures. Kept up-to-date by your Grandma Rachel until got new computer. Just seen pics of Bungee etc. Braaaaave girls.!!!!!
Jennifer Cowie
That's all I can say - I'm terrified looking at those pics!!
Well done with the bungey Rachel. 4F will be a walk in the park after that. The photo's are great, keep them coming