Hello from Peru! Just a short entry from us both to let you know we arrived safely in Lima. Journey went quite well and 9 hr flight went fairly quickly, the films/tv and food were all great. Miami airport was a different story...not very clean or organised at all! Were stuck on the plane for an extra 2 hours due to a delay but once we got going the 2nd flight went really quickly...possibly due to the fact that we were both fast asleep the whole way! Plans to learn some Spanish didn't really happen. Got to hostel about 12:30am, interesting journey on way...doesnt seem to be much in the way of traffic lights/speed limits or anything on roads! Hostel seems good fun, our wee twin room that we imagined would give us a little bit of luxury to get over the 24 hour journey looks a bit like a shed. All part of the experience though and probably still luxury compared to the camping experience that is to come. From what we could see last night the hostel seems to be in a funky little area so plan today is to explore a little bit, get food and also try and get organised. We leave hostel tomorrow for the hotel in which our tour starts. We're also going to try and celebrate Gayle's birthday tonight...we were way too tired yesterday! Thanks for all the messages that have been left so far, keep them coming :)
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