So then finally managed to drag myself out of Puerto Escondido and took the night bus (12) hours to San Cristobel. Had the best time in PE and me some great people who I will keep in touch with and maybe meet up with again.
I discovered three things whilst there, one that I seem to have developed a fear of crabs. There were hundreds of the things on the beach that skuttle around all day in and out of their little holes in the sand. Clear ones so not so easy to see. When walking back in the evening they are everywhere and on the last day i had my contacts in and i'm glad that was the first time I could actually properly see them otherwise I don´t think I would have ventured to the beach again! Second thing is the best hamburger I have ever had, although I have mentioned that already. Third is that i have now put on weight from all the beer and bad food I have been consuming! I now have a thing for Mexican beer other than Sol or Corona!
I will miss PE a lot. Got some great sunset photos and tonight will try once again to see if I can download them so that you can share with me. Lots of people that I met left the hostel on Sunday and a new group of Swedish girls arrived who proceeded to buy a packet of hair bleach and bleach each other's already peroxide blonde hair. Weird and quite a sight to watch.
So arrived at 10 this morning to SC and finally said goodbye to my Swedish girls who I have shared my last 6 days solidly with. I don't think we had any time apart which is quite good going considering we had just met. They need to get to Guatamala so i might see them at some point along the way again. Had no idea where to stay so got i a taxi with 3 other Israeli girls who we also travelled from PE with. We arrived at one where we will stay the night for cheap as chips..think it converts to about 2.50!! I don't like it though and want to move, as do they as it´s very quiet here and the showers are crap. Don`t laugh this becomes an important feature of any hostel, a shower with water that comes out is sacred, even if the water is cold that doesn't matter as long as there IS water! We bumped into a guy a couple of us knew from PE so tomorrow we will move to his hostel as it looks really pretty and colourful and clean!
Tomorrow I was hoping to take a horseriding tour to the nearby indigenous villages but have no-one to go with so will just do the minibus tour instead. Really looking forward to it. It is a completely different way of life up there and you are not even allowed to take photos as they see it as a sign of taking their soul away. All the men dress in one way and the women another so that will be interesting to see. The 2nd November is the day of the dead so we are trying to see what we can get involved with. The day after I leave here for a place called Agua Azul which is a series of waterfuls and lagoons that you can swim in. Meant to be beautiful. We stay there 3 hours then onto Palenque, some of the Mayan ruins in the jungle. The tour will then leave us in the town of Palenque which a couple of us will stay before I head on, probably to the Yucatan coast and starting at Cancun then down. I guess that is a few days away though and a lot can happen between now and then.
Feels weird and a bit lonely to be with new people when I have met some great people before and leaving them is hard. Guess that is the way it is. Doesn´t help that I feel like I am coming down with a cold... oh dear I hear you all say but I swear it is the aircon on the bus combied with the dodgy 12 hour and no sleep thing. Oh yes I forgot to mention I had a rather large mexican guy sitting next to me the entire journey who proceeded to snore the moment we set off, so loudly that everyone kept looking and looking at me as if to say poor thing. Couldn't even find the ear plugs...
Anyway hope that has updated you a bit. See you soon.
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