So the entrance of Gail came on the 20th July, flying into the beef capital of Rockhampton, an absolute disgrace of a town full of backward cattle loving folk! Unfortunately, looking normal, I was approached by the local tv station and interviewed on my impressions of the town and which politician I'd most love to have dinner with... naturally Mr Gordon Brown, recently appointed as British chief took preference!
Met her at the airport, after being dropped off by a guy who used to run a melon farm in Northern Territory and met up with her, to head straight to Yeppoon, the perfect spot to explore Great Keppel Island! So in the morning, headed to the ferry and landed at the resort! Chilled in a hammock, got lost on a walk after sunset with no shoes and on the rockiest of paths, nearly ripping open the soul of my foot, went wakeboarding... managed to join the minority (less than 10%) that can stand up using the rope at the back after practicing on the bar! Got up twice, until my shoulders felt like they had become ultimate jelly and then collapsed, ending the session letting go of the rope close to shore and gliding onto the white sandy beach! Top bombing and very James Bond-esk!
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