Mike & Benedict's World Adventures
Well the car was hired and all that remained was the 876km drive which was achieved without incident over 11 hours 30 minutes and 3 breaks (except for not taking the right turning in Sydney and taking an hour to find it again). Singing along to the amazing Australian Radio stations kept the journey entertaining with our personnal favourites including the song by Nick who broke up with Jessica Simpson and the song by Paris Hilton.
Once in Melbourne it didn't take us long to find a hostel and a parking space near by. However the England game was kicking off in 40 minutes which meant a frantic rush to get onto the internet to find Gilly's number (my friend from uni) fortunately we made it to her luxury apartment (Don't deny it Gilly) in time for kick off. Gilly headed off have way through the game with her flat mates to go out but i stayed with Ben to watch the game before Ben went to bed and i went to meet Gilly at a bar/club
The night turned out to be a fun and late night with me kipping on the sofa at Gilly's realising when i woke up at 8am it was freezing and went back to my double bed in a heated room at the hostel. The following night we were invited to Gilly's for dinner and she laid on an excellent feast for us (Thanks again Gilly - I think anothe McD dinner would have killed me).
Our final day in Melbourne and we had to undertake the ultimate trip - which of course means driving to Ramsey street. It was an amazing moment yet so bitterly shameful to be taking photographs down the famous street (or court should i say). The day was completed with the neighbours night anbd many beers.
At the night we bumped into Katherine Speake (a friend from school we had been told may be there) which was great. I also spent most of the night looking at somone i thought i recognised and after much thinking it came to me - so i went and asked the girl if she went to Long Road and of course she had done. So i spent some time catching up with Amanda.
All in all a top trip to Melbourne but it all went down hill from that night. I woke up in the morning to find the car gone (yes - having hired a car for 4days i had managed to get it towed away), it took us an hour to get to the yard and retrieve it (half of which was waiting for a tram that were supposed to come every 8mins). On the drive back my MP3 player crasher and since i haven't been able to access any songs and more worringly photo's.
The next morning was spent driving and running around trying to find a petrol station and then the return office of the car - which forced me to miss the bus to the airport however there was a let up as we were refunded the cost of the tickets. Finally we boarded the plane and to top it all off when i arrived at the other end i discovered my camera was missing. All in all it was a bad couple of days but hey, what can you do (except not park illegally, plan better and look after things better - i'll take these all into consideration next time probably).
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