Hi everyone just got thru writing about half of the florence blog and it all deleted on me for some reason so gunna try again and hope it works this time.
We got to florence at about 230 in the arvo after a bus ride that was pretty bad for bek as she had been up at 3 in the morning throwing up from eating dodgy salmon, and she hadnt even been drinking incase any of u were thinking that may have been the reason. We were staying in cabins in a camping ground very similar to those we were in in rome and venice and they are quite nice, they have a fridge and aircon which was good after our 600 metre hike up to them from reception.
We went to the shops to get some supplies for dinner as we had an outdoor kitchen and we were all quite excited to make our own dinner and have a fridge to keep things in, the only problem was that to get to the shop we had to walk a few Ks along a busy road with no footpath,single file, and hugging the bushes every time cars came both ways, but we made it alive and even found a little shop that filled up your empty wine bottle for 2 euros so the girls got some of that and headed back to the campsite to eat some nice healthy pasta and a few drinks with our mates from busabout Chris and Bry, who we stayed with a few times and Brendon and Sally, and as usual the boys had a few too many and the girls had to make us come to bed in preperation for the next day which was going to start at 10! bit too early for our liking.
We went into town and it was boiling hot and the night before hadnt helped, but it was soon all sweated out. We went to see the statue of david but being true stingy backpackers we just saw the fake one that was exactly the same size and dimensions and saved ourselves 10 euro each! We went to a little restaurant for lunch for some pizza and came home for a siesta, which have come to enjoy these days. We made our dinner again and had a FEW drinks and went to bed at a reasonable hour.
The next day we went into town at about midday and it was even hotter, and we were a bit worried about the old hives showin up again so we got some gelati to cool us down, as bek says, some gelati a day keeps the hives away! We walked over the main bridge in florence which is full of jewelry shops so it was a little hard to keep the girls away from the windows and they all seem to never look at the price tags! We went out for lunch again, this time just me and bek and bek finally got to try panzanella, which for those of u who dont know is a salad made with day old bread and soaked in tomatoes and garlic and oil and lots of other stuff, sounds gross but bek loved it and was so happy she got to try it after looking all around italy to find it.We went to the main church for a look but was sooooo hot and the lines were huge so we headed to the markets nearby and had a look at them and got a few things and another gelati and went back to the campsite, and just in time too as the hives had come, Who would have thought the gelati wouldnt work, but we got bek into the aircon and they werent too bad after a rest in the cool room. So we made pasta again and had some drinks with the gang and another bus load had arrived that day with a few more of our mates so we all had a good time with them and went to bed again too late and had to get up at 730 for the bus the next day, anyone who has seen me in the morning can imagine what a happy camper i was but as mum always says, youve gone and been a bloody idiot again havnt you and we feel no sympathy for you..... Harry youve heard it many times and know what i mean. But we all managed to make it to the bus and we were on our way to the cinque terre.
Ill let bek tell you all about cinque so for now hope all of you are well and thanks for all the footy updates, even though they arent great, at least freo are just as bad ay.
Ciao everyone
Mike and bek
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