Hi Everyone!
Welcome to our final blog entry for Hawaii. We leave tomoz at 12 to head off to San Fran or the mainland as locals here call it.
We moved into our hostel 3 nights ago. First impressions were not the best. we had to sleep on the top bunks in a 4bed room. I couldnt sleep until around 3am. Firstly because this guy across the room from me kept talking in his sleep and seemed to have a slight flatulence problem. He also keep moving around so much in his bed that it squeeked so loudly and not to mention I watched him most of the night waiting for him to fall out of the bunk. I felt sorry for his girlfriend...i think her name was Bek Hall or something like that. We also had some sick girl underneath me that kept throwing up loudly in the bathroom and sleeping on the floor. She had aparently spent afew days in hospital with some bug. We also had a Japanese guy called Hiro who looked like the guy off Heroes called Hiro..he was very nice.
The next day we got up early and went to Pearl Harbour. We had to catch public transport there which cost $2 to ride anywhere on the island. We asked afew friendly locals how to get there and we managed to do it without getting lost or killing each other. Pearl Harbour was a very interesting place to visit and we could see how it could be quite a moving experience for people who had family involved. It is really moving to know that more than 1000 bodies are still trapped in the Arizona underwater. I think they should do something similar with that ship they just found off the coast of Australia.Mike enjoyed looking at all of the old submarines and missiles will see the photos he took. Very exciting stuff (exageration).
In the afternoon we headed down for an afternoon swim at Waikiki and watched the surfers and the sun set.It was really kewl to watch what the locals could do on the waves.
That night we went out for $3 pitchers of bud with an English guy called Nic and a staff member called Mike. We were then told we are really hard to understand. When we tell people our names they think i am saying Peg or Meg or Vic(was written on my starbucks order) and they think Mike is saying Mark. They mimic Mike alot and laugh at him calling him Moiyk. Its kind of annoying but what do you do!
That night we paid an extra $10 and got our own double room. we will try and do double rooms more in the other hostels. we were worried as a couple we wouldnt make friends but its very easy. especially in the kitchen and common areas. When people hear our accents they always want to talk to us or ask us to take their pictures.
Yesterday we slept in late after a few to many $3 "pitchers". We then went on a hunt for Mikes Ukulele which he was very very excited about. Thanks to my brother Mike and Steph for your gift of money. Thanks to you Mike is now the proud owner of his new toy. Vicki and Nino its on its way to Aus and should arrive in the next week or two.
We did a load of washing. Vicki you will be shocked and so will Mum but we were quite excited to do washing and were very proud of ourselves for not shrinking anything. Although Mike did open the dryer abit early so we had to use our nifty little washing line (thanks Cath for the camping store voucher!!)
Last night we then went out for dinner with Nic (the Pom) and then went back to watch a Family Guy marathon. This hostel closes everything down at 10pm and sends you to your rooms or asks you to leave the hostel. so we went to our dorm which we share with Nic and invited the Poms aswell. We then met our new roomates who are from Calgary. We now understand what Mike Stevens said about Canadian people. They are SO SO SO friendly and laid back. Not as cocky as the yanks. We had some drinks with them and went to bed at about 2am. Mike woke up half way through the night with a bout of tummy cramps. Poor kid, he either ate dodgy food last night or his diet of cheeseburgers and beers is getting to him. Either way he didnt make it to $2.99 breakfast thismorning so I went along with the english couple. I returned to Mike who had a good spew and feels better. He is resting now and unfortunatly we havnt made it to the snorkelling at Hanauma Bay we wanted to go to. Oh well it cant be helped.
Tonight we are going to make a healthy salad and steak for Mike to get his gut back into gear.
ANyways next blog will be from San Fran. I cant wait to go to the house where Full House was filmed and try some clam chowder. Mike is very excited about Alcatraz.
A big Happy BDay to lishy poo for Friday..whenever that is for you guys!!
Lots of love,
Mike and Bek
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