Mikaela And Lawrence's World Adventure
Helloooo everyone,
Just to let you know that were in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam... off to Hanoi soon. shall keep you all updatedd
Helloo again, went out last night with a few friends weve met up with and ended up in a brothel! At 12pm we were casually having a drink watching the football ....and then by about 12.45 it was littrally full of grinding lady boys and a pimp daddy! There was no where to look! hahaha. funnyiest thing ever. Unfortuanately we couldnt get a photo....
Leaving for North Vietnam tomorrrowwww :) xxxxxxxxx
- comments
Caff x Have fun in Vietnam, hope the rain has stopped there and the floods have disappeared. One week today and I will be flying out too. How are you both doing on the malaria tablets? Love n hugs xxx Yeah had the fish thing done! its soooo funny! tickles like mad and then feels quite nice! the malarials are fine, no symptoms yet, were taking them at night time which seems fine :) Cambodia and Bangkok were good, make sure you do all the museums in Phnom penn. Be careful of the Miner victims in cambodia! and the children. there EVERYWHEREE! were leaving for north vietnam tomorrow morning on a motorbike so cant wait :D hope all goes well with your flight, reckon ill be back in thailand in about 4 weeks time. ill keep you updated :) lots of love xxxxxxx
Granny & Grandad Its great to hear all your adventures and see the photos. Keep safe keep happy love you Granny & grandad
Mum Hi you two. Sorry to have missed you on Skype. Hopefully next time. Your photos look amazing. Can't wait for the next installment of your adventures. keep away from the brothels!!!! MumXX
fiona & steve hello you two, havent you travelled a long way!!!! How are the motor bikes going? Has Law got used to having you on the back of his bike yet? is he wearing ear plugs!!!!!! It does sound as if you are having a great time so keep enjoying yourselves all our love mum n dad helloooo!! riding the bike is awesome!!!! Dad, you would love it! laws a good driver, only almost crashed about 3 times! only joking :) The scenerys unbelievabe.. ive took loads of photos so we will upload them all soon. Drove for 8 hours today, we have got to nha trang, vietnam up the east coast. Lots of little islands to go and visit here, so hopefully we will hire a canoe boat tomorrow. how are you both? work alright? hows paul? I burnt my arms on the bike :( and burnt my leg on the exhaust pipe :( but its is healing, ive now learnt to get off the other side of the bike.... :)Our bums are also saddle shape now! they ache 24/7!!! hopefully ill catch you on skype on saturday, not too sure where we will be yet. love you lotssssss, miss you. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
BRUCE :) ahahahahahahaha i a literally sat in uni wetting myselfff!!! i cant believe you ended up in a brothel!!! ahahahaaa! soo funnnyy!! i wish youu got a photo at the lady boysss!! hahahaa.. ahh im loving these blogs.. whilst im sat at uni your travelling the world. oh god.. ive been in the library for almost 6hours! its killing meee! i hope your having an amazing time still! little travellersss!!! love you loads.. take care and be safeee :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx