auf deutsch
die letzten 4 naechte waren wir in villarrica in dem hostel ´torre suiza´, das von einem schweizer paerchen betrieben wird, ueberhaupt haben wir schon viele schweizer und (sued)deutsche getroffen. am 2.2. haben wir den 2847 m hohen vulkan villarrica bestiegen, 5 stunden rauf und 2 stunden runter. (jetzt kann ich´s ja erzaehlen: der vulkan ist noch aktiv und liegt ganz in der naehe von vulkan llama, der im januar ausgebrochen ist!) eigentlich soll man das erste stueck mit dem skilift fahren, aber der war ausser betrieb! zwischenzeitlich dachte ich, meine lungen oder mein herz explodieren oder meine beine klappen zusammen, aber als wir endlich an der spitze waren, war es doch ein tolles gefuehl! man konnte aber keine lave sehen, nur das gurgeln des vulkans hoeren. da der vulkan teilweise mit schnee bedeckt ist, sind wir auf der ruecktour einfach auf dem hosenboden herunter gerodelt! das hat echt spass gemacht. eigentlich dachte ich, danach kann ich erstmal nicht mehr laufen, aber so schlimm war es gar nicht und 2 tage spaeter waren wir auf einem 3 stunden hin, 2 stunden zurueck treck zu ein paar seen, die hoch in den bergen liegen. nach dem anstrengenden aufstieg war es sooo erfrischend, in dem see zu baden! die natur hier ist einfach wunderschoen. ich ja nicht so der berg freak, aber es sieht schon beeindruckend aus.
wir sind mitlerweile in puerto varas, einer bildhuebschen kleinen stadt. der deutsche einfluss hier ist unverkennbar, es gibt eine marienkirche und alles sieht so aus wie in bayern oder der schweiz. puerto varas liegt an einem see und auf der anderen seite blickt man auf 3 vulkane. unser hostel ´compass del sur´ ist super gemuetlich, ein altes grosses haus mit holzfussboden und kamin im wohnzimmer. wir haben beschlossen, hier fuer 5 naechte zu bleiben. wir wollen wild water rafting machen, eine fahrrad tour und in den heissen quellen entspannen. man fuehlt sich hier viel sicherer als in santiago, ein bisschen heimisch.
in english
Hi there, Cath and I are alive and well sorry it has taken me this long to contact you but we have been busy sight seeing.After the long flight from Sydney we managed to negotiate our way to the hostel with ease, from the airport ther were some nnice guys organizing mini buses and for ten dollars took us straight to the echo hostel which was an oasis not that Santiago is bad but the hostal was so peaceful with our room next a courtyard with lounges and a hammock.Santiago was easy to get around Cath and I spent the three days walking all over the city eating empanadas as we went.It felt pretty safe although we did stumble to the wrong side of the river where we witnessed a thief who just stole something from someone, there was lots of yelling through the crowd and on his escape just infront of us a man tripped him and then a few guys kicked the daylights out of him but he was determined to get away and sure enough I dont know how but he got up and bolted needless to say Cath and I didnt venture to that part again.We have met some really nice people both in the hostel and on the street, a old man sat next to us in the plaza and talked to us for a while and gave us an insight to Santiago.We managed find our bus ticket which was a relief as a hostal booked it in advance, very lucky as everyone was leaving Santiago on holidays the place was packed so after getting to the bus station via the metro which is super clean and efficient it was off to Villiarica by overnight buse with a snoring Chilian sitting behind me so not as much sleep as I hoped.We arrived in Villiarica at about 8am and the hostel run by a Swiz couple was just down the road about a 3 minute walk Villiarica is a small town by a lake very pretty.On entering our room on the second floor I looked out the window to see a massive snow capped volcano in the distance what a great view, after breakfast of home made bread we set off to see what Villiarica had to offer and before we knew it we had signed up to climb the volcano what were we thinking.After a 6am rise we set off to Pucon got our climbing gear ,ice pick, crampons cloths for sliding back down the mountain on our bums a bit sore but survived,Cath and I arrived with our group where we looked up at this massive volcano thinking we will never make it.The first part we were supposed to go buy chair lift but the guide casually said its not working we will have to walk the first part,we thought he was joking but I assure you he was not.Within the first 100m Cath and I looked at each other and said who wanted to do this but as it worked out we had an amazing climb up to the top of the volcano where we had lunch an a look down inside. The way down was a bit of a thrill as we put this special nappy on and slid down the volcano on our behinds, my bony ass managed to collect the odd piece of lava rock but not too many bruises.All in all after 8 hours on the volcano I can tell you we slept like babys, we climbed from 1300m to 2800m quite an effort but worth the pain the views were amazing.The next day we took it easy as the weather is stunning 32 degrees and sunny the whole time so far so we headed for Conaripe to a mountain lake where we layed by the edge under a shady tree swimming and relaxing. Day three in Villiarica Cath and I were up for more punishment so decided to do a trek up into the national park where there are several moutain lakes and waterfalls.I tell you quite some walk as well, pretty much 3 hours of straight up hill but reaching the area of the lakes and getting there it is really beautiful, we were not sure if you could swim and we were very hot but after seeing a old guy jump in it didnt take us long to don the swimmers and cool off in the pristine mountain lake.That night we went to a local resturant were not sure what to order but we had chicken with salad and a beer for 6 dollars very tasty.Today after a six hour bus trip we have arrived in Puerto varas a beautiful town by the lake with several volcanos on the other side, we have been lucky so far with accommodation as this place is very homely our room is big and comfortable and the staff very helpful so we are staying 5 nights.There is plenty to do, we will go to the fjords and natural hot springs, river rafting, a bike tour where they drop you at a nearby village and you take the scenic ride back and maybe a kayak trip on one of the numeros mountain lakes but no more volcano climbs which they also offer.Hope you are well
Buy for now Michael and Cath
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