Lovely moon last night!! Photo doesn't really do it justice!! No clouds in the sky so it's bloody friggen freezing this morning!! Off apple picking!! We are on a mission!! Music plugged in and off we go!! It's really nice just working away listening to music! I find myself thinking about things I never have time to think about when I'm at home and busy busy! I definitely want to get back in the swimming circle when I'm back in jersey and I want to join a netball league- even if it's just training it will be nice to have the balance between a solitude sport like swimming and a full on team game!! Any hoo - back to the apples !! We are ahead of schedule! Ha ha not much to do in the caravan so we have planned to pick a bin and a quarter every hour!! Going well! Space and apples is not on our side!! We gave finished the row on the 8th bin! Dam! Its only 3pm aswell so that puts a stop to our challenge and our work day! We get $ 107 each for the day so that's really good! Hoping we are picking again tomorrow as we will start a new line so lots of apples and space to fill lots of bins and make lots of MONEY!!! Whoop!! Go get some water! Have a nice hot shower - wash the twigs, bugs and leaves out of my hair!! Tired, sore and abit sunburnt!! Time for dinner then bed!!!! ZzzzZzz oh got our 5th mouse! Mouse murderers!!
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