Woke up - still in pain!! Haven't slept very well so not in the best of moods! Thus worsens when we go to the field for egg plant picking! I'm miles behind everyone has I'm picking one handed! Simone comes back and helps me out! Legend!! Max carries my bucket for me too! Ha ha! Sasha the Russian who talks too much complains all morning and spits and sneezes everywhere! Starting to lose my patience with her!! Yay it's lunchtime and we are off to the shed for packing - this should be easier! After 4 hours packing my wrist has clicked back into place and I have movement again although it's swollen and bruised! Sorted out pay - gonna get it tomorrow so we can bank
It on Monday. Jimmy randomly text us at 12.30am asking if we want to go out! Errr no jimmy! We were both in bed at half eight watching Alvin and the chipmunks! Thats how we roll!
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