Up and showered!! Really boring morning! Laid in bed with a cup of tea and watched morning tv!! Simone did her washing! Walking to Moroopna at 12! Prefer it at the start of the day as it's cooler and the flies aren't awake yet! Still get there ok and it's not too bad! Get a blueberry swirl from the bakery- even though I ask for a blueberry muffin! Near enough I suppose!!go to the library for the Internet! Dont really need it- go for a wander to woolies and get some body wash! The excitement I know! Any way finally done and start walking back ! Get a crunchie which is nice! No one picks us up which is annoying so we walk the whole 20k! This would be brilliant itex training! Maybe i should go home for it this year!!???? Get back about 6 have a quick pumpkin salad then go to bed!
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