Alright! We've arrived safely in Rome. There's a lot of very cool stuff here, like really old awesome stuff.
Before we got into the city, however, we stopped in on a little town, the name of which will forever be etched into my brain, but does escape me for the moment...
Orvieto. I had to check Google Maps for that.
It was like an old medieval town on top of a hill, and had some very awesome buildings and narrow Ye Olde streets and laneways. The locals like to eat wild boar and wear suits of armor and go to church. I digress...
Rome itself is massive. We had a short guided-stroll through some of the key sights, and will be going back for a more detailed look around the Colosseum and it's surrounds tomorrow (Saturday), after a bit of meandering through Vatican City. If I get the chance I will arm myself with a sword so that I can defend the group in the likely event of a slaughter within the ancient stomping ground of Russell and his mates.
We had some pretty rad pizza & gelati for dinner. If you're ever near the Pantheon there's a gelati shop close by with 100 flavours. Check it out, the gelati is sensational. That's right, come for the slaughter, stay for the gelati.
- comments
Mel Try not to get struck by lightning in church