Dear Diary,
Despite the long journey from Cambodia (via Bangkok & Sydney) I arrived here in one piece (although I did look like s***e - sorry but there is just not a word that describes it better!!).
I did something in Auckland within 3 hours of landing that I haven't done for over a month & that was to have a pint of Stella!!! You may be wondering why it took that long, but if you consider it took 2 hours from wheels touching down to get to my hostel, shower, change & find a pub - I think that isn't bad going at all)>
I got little sleep on the plane & my tv screen broke about half way through the journey, so only had enough energy to stay up till 10pm & just crashed.
The sleep was obviously needed & I got up at 8am bright & refreshed.
Have had a wonder around the areas I am staying in (Parnell) which is really nice. It's got lots of cafes, restuarants in the main high road & a few swanky wine bars & there are little passges off the high road that have really pretty restaurants.
Walked into the city centre & through the main shopping area, along the docks. There isn't a great deal to see as such but it is a very very nice place (somewhere you could easily live!).
Apart from that haven't done a great deal, oh apart from have a drink in an ice bar where everything is made of ice & you can only stay inside for a max of 30 minutes - that was really cool (ha ha ha get it?!?!?). And I also jumped from a height of 192 metres from the Sky Tower (which stands at 328m & is the larghest tower in the southern hemisphere!). (main picture was taken from the bottom!!)
They call it base jumping by wire. Now when I said I did it, I have to admit it was only after the 3rd 3,2,1 countdown. UP to that point I was really ok with it all & you even have a look over the edge & that was fine, it was just at the point of having to let go & fall that my legs went!! They stop you after about 8meteres to take your picture & then you carry on to the bottom. You get a free go (if you want it) & they don't stop you this time. I was a bit dissappointed that I didn't jump first time so I had a go & was ok this time.
I have got a dvd of my jump (including all the false starts) & some great pictures as well.
It was truely awesome & maybe just the start I needed in order to take on the Queenstown bungee jump later on my travels.
I off on my Kiwi Experience tour in the mroning (23rd) so it will be a few days before I can report in again as not staying at places that long & there is alot of activities & partying to do!!
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