MeznG. In the air, on the road, river or sea again
Check in is uneventful and reasonably quick. Breakfast is at Hudson's after we have procured our alcohol supplies for the road trip. A bottle of ouzo, brandy, gin and Baileys should see us through the first few days! All set........plane is delayed, oh well that gives Liz & I time to feed the animals, launch a ship, do a bit of fishing and harvest some crops, while Glenn plays chess and Milton goes for Candy Crush. We are all so tech savvy! We board about an hour late and discover the reason for the delay was due to an engineering problem with some of the toilets. The choices were to proceed with the flight with I think 5 toilets unusable or cancel the flight. Thankfully they chose option 1 otherwise our plans would be somewhat stuffed up. All this really means is that we have a longer queue for the loo. I am writing this at 7pm Australian time (sat 31st) which is 2am LA time ( sat 31st) and we have another 5 hours to go to LA.
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