Soooooooooooo, it's my 4th day in Syndey and I've gotta spare few mins so thought i'd write a quick blog before i forget what i've done!! the flight was soooooooo long, altho gerard butler (who is pretty much perfect now that i know he can dance) and disney helped to get me through it!! i arrived at syndey at like 9 in the morn and was compeltely shattered and looking gross and typically there were aussie hunks EVERYWHERE, didn't know where to look! but yeah, got to hostel and showered to feel more human and popped over to see belle (isi to all the langton folks) for her birthday celebrations! everyone was soooo nice, and her friends were lovely, although they kept laughing at how i say turtle/water-silly billys! and we played a pretty funny game of sherades that invovled the most random things ever-but i guess that's what happens when you've bene drinking sangria all day!
The next day was NYE and our hostel knew of this amazing place the other side of the harbour for the fireworks so we head off there at stupid o clock in the morning, settled down and started having some drinks while waiting for the evening events! the fireworks were IMMENSE, literally cannot begin to do them justice, i took a video and we're all still in awe-never seen anything like it! was such a good day/evening wlthough it still hans't hit me that i';m in sydney!
the city itself is lovely, done a lot of bimbling around-down the walk along the harbour, and around botanic gardens-whoich are lovely, and been down to chinatown and the paddy markets-which were SO GOOD, bought so much stuff there for such a minmal amount of money! i was a very happy bunny!
anywhooooo, they've put on a good film in hostel so gonna go and chill out! hope you're all good in cold england ;)
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