As soon as I came out of the security area there was an office where you could book taxi´s, being blond and pale, spot the tourist! I had read these are good places to get taxi´s as they are a set fee and you pay the office rather than the taxi driver so less chance of getting ripped off- $5 dollars and away I go!
Its was about 30 minute drive to here I was staying, and the driving was foot down and everyone for themselves which felt abit like being on a funfairt ride which was fun! (Assuming we wouldn´t crash, not so fun). The streets and buildings reminded me abit of Taiwn, I think because of all the visible electrical lines down the side of the road and the dirt, but here the buildingd were more colourful than Taiwan.
I loved it as we drove down this main busy road, that when you looked to your right down the side streets you would catch a glimpse of this magnificant mountain that made the houses by it look tiny, it was just amazing and extremely humbling, I am so excited to get trekking and get out of the city.
As we approached my hotel it started to rain. The woman at the desk in the hotel spoke English thank godness and I was shown to my room with towels and a loo roll. The room was big with two double beds and a bathroom. It was cold and damp and I was freezing. I shut all the windows and pulled out all my valuables to put into a deposit box for piece of mind. I noticed I had no signal on my phone so went to the nearest internet place and e-mailed all my nearest and dearest that I had made here alive!
By now it was absolutely pouring with rain, I was feeling pretty rough and desperately needed some water. So I went to a local shop that sold only basics eg bread, cheese, ham, crisps, sweets, everything I don´t eat, but found a tin of tuna, an apple and a tomato, plus 6 litres of water.
Back to my room, and by now I couldn´t feel my toes anymore. I checked the shower, no hot water, my worst nightmare but I stank of 23 hours of travelling, it had to be done. All I can say is it was HORRIFIC, I think that was the hardest thing I have ever done, but I was clean.
On went the thermals, my thickest trekking socks my Mum had bought me, my hoody and a wooly hat, then into my sleeping bag with the fabulous Hoff on TV, night rider in Spanish- brilliant. I then tucked into my tinned tuna & tomato, followed by desert of an apple (all washed might I add).
I then fell asleep from about 12.30pm until my alarm went off at 5pm but there was no way I was getting up, I was exhausted and feeling the full effects of the high altitude. They say you should drink 5 to 7 litres of water to help but I barely got through 2 litres. I had my fruit & seed bars for dinner then fell asleep again from about 8pm to 4am, then snoozed until 7am when I got up to a beautiful sunny, blue sky day!
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