This is what happens when you don´t write the blog regularly, the days pass by and you can´t be bothered to write about what happened a week ago, or was it more than a week?
Anyway, I arrived at Iguazu falls from Buenos Aires, the falls have two sides the Argentine one and the Brazilian one, and they are both must see. I can´t really say anything than the pictures couldn´t convey. The place is just stunning, you just sit back and enjoy the wonderful view, there is nothing more to it.
The next morning I crossed the frontier to go to the Brazilian side, that was a bit of an adventure, especially because it ended with me, getting off the bus in Brazil (with a backpack in front, one in the back, a handbag!) stepping in a small hole and falling under the unimpressed look of a street vendor. There´s my entrance in Brazil, ass on the ground, knees bleeding and try to look composed while looking for my dignity among my scattered belongings on the pavement. Oh well...
The Brazilian side of the falls was terrific too, it gives you a look from far away and you can see them all in their beauty.
After the falls I decided to go visit the Pantanal in teh Mato Groso del Sul to see some animals, after all it´s only a short 20 hours ride from Iguazu!!
to be continued in the Pantanal...
P.S. I made peace with butterflies, I still find them a bit gross but my relationship with them has greatly improved after Iguazu!
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