So after 30 hours and 2 changes we arrvied with all our bags to our last and 15th country!
Getting a visa on arrival was easy - we paid $15 and they gave us 2 postage stamps for our passport! Our taxi to our hostel was very manic and almost crashed atleast twice. Mel was scared.
So we arrived at midnight local time which was 6am for us having only had a little nap on the plane. We kept oursleves amused weith friends, house, le grand mealnes, night at the musuem, freedom writers and rocky (you can guess who watched which!)
After feeling horribly jet lagged we pushed ourselves to have breakfast on the rooftop restaurant and then to exploire cairo. The place is aboslute gridlock and filled with very old, should not be on the road, paint covers all rust cars. It is like car heaven here we are looking out for the peugeot as it may be here repainted and being used as a taxi!
Shopping was difficult as we did not know what anyof the symbols meant so we did not know the price ut we have since had a quick lesson in numbers 1-10!
The National Museum was excellent - so much there. It is strange that it is from 500 years ago - most look in such good condition. We saw the tomb of tutankamun (ok cant spell!) and saw lots of mummies including animal mummies.
We are now off on an overnight train to aswan, then abu simbel, then felucca (boat) for 2 days to luxor, then valley of kings, diving from camels.....etc
Love from the place blessed by the gods horus and set (order and anarchy)
Mel and stu x
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