I'm starting this blog from Koh Phangan although the trip actually started 2 days ago in Thailand. We set off early Saturday morning from Heathrow after watching England get hammered in the rugby to begin a 1 month trip through Thailand. After changing planes in Abu Dhabi we arrived in Bangkok at about 7am local time with most of us not having had more than a couple hours of sleep. We realised unfortunately that we had to get down to Koh Phangan very quickly. This meant a long bus and a boat trip to get to the island. We used our hotel during the day to catch up on some sleep and chill out and after dinner we got the night bus down. It took just short of 11 hours with a few stops and wasn't the most comfortable thing i've ever done!
After the bus we needed to get the boat across which left at 7am and after a stop at Koh Tao we finally got to Koh Phangan at about 11am. All feeling fairly exhausted and a bit sleep deprived we were greeted by Ollie and Tom which definitely put everyone in a better mood. We got a taxi to our accomodation while Holloway hitched a lift with Mckee on his scooter. When we arrived being the genius I am i managed to lose my wallet in the taxi. I was massively nervous about whether I'd get it back or not however Tom was kind enough to drive me back to the taxi place and I was lucky enough to get it back!
The rest of the day was spent relaxing with a bit of swimming and some lunch before the pool party in the evening. The pool party was absoloutely ridiculous. Emily was the star performer by an absoloute mile. The buckets they werved were strong and our first night out turned messy quickly. It was myself, Tom, James, Emily, Charlie and Sophie who had come together but that night we spent with Ollie and Tom. Also with us was Tom's girlfriend Charlotte and some guys Ollie and Tom had met called Joe, Jamie, John (confusing) and Will. We also managed to see alot of other people we knew as we drunk, swam and danced the night away.
As previously mentioned Emily was the star performing absoloutely ruining herself to the amusment of the rest of the group. She made a 'move' on Sophie and James but was rejected twice. Thankfully she'd already managed to find an Aussie in the pool so her night was not in vain. While I was in the pool and getting with someone I was attacked from all directions. Ollie and a friend placed a condom over my head (hilarious) and James tapped me on the shoulder and went in the for the kill. I was a bit stunned the girl was disgusted and left. Thanks guys!
We all made it back in one piece as we were staying in rooms of 3 (boys and girls). The rest had been terrorising Emily. I didn't see her till the next morning but she had balls written on her forehead and there were several videos of Emily. One including how myself and Sophie aren't arrogant about our territory?! Whatever that means... Also Emily having a go at Charlotte about how she had more freckles... Again?!
The day was a bit of a write-off and we just slept and relaxed all day. In the evening we decided to head down to the site of the full moon party. We got there about 9pm and had dinner and watched wedding crashers. Being the adventurous lot we are I believe at least 4 of us ordered pizzas but they were very good. We headed down to the beach which was amazing. So many people down there and lots of little stalls with people selling buckets of drinks with prices easy to negotiate but also alot of chances to get ripped off.
We started slowly but eventually everyone got involved and the night turned messy fairly quickish. Nobody was sick to my knowledge but as I write this at 4pm I just got up and Holloway is still in bed. Looking forward to the full moon tonight and will hopefully get a chance to update this soon as we ar heading ot Koh Tao next!
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