Mattie starts work on Monday but he doesn't really like it, at least he has a job though because I am still looking and it will pay for our room at the hostel. I keep looking for work and on Tuesday go to an interview for a door knocking job, not ideal but it's something, I get the job and start the training on Wednesday and by Friday I am out knocking on doors, by this time Mattie has quit the terrible sales job and is now looking for a new job. By Tuesday I have quit the door knocking job and found a new job all in the same morning, I don't start until Tuesday and Matt finds a job which starts on Tuesday too so we just relax for the rest of the week knowing we have work to go to in the next week, yay!!!
At the weekend feeling all pleased about our jobs we treat ourselves to a day out and go to a theme park called Dreamworld, it's good and has some super crazy rides one of which is the giant drop, one of those rides where it takes you up to the top of a massive tower then keeps you there for ever until you can't bear the suspense anymore and then drops you. Mattie is ridiculously scared and screams like a small girl the whole way down, the picture they take shows him screaming and me peering round my restraint laughing at him, I find it hilarious! It takes Mattie a few days to recover from it.
We also catch a wicked tiger show where the tigers climb up a tree and they get all three of them to jump up over a log at the same time, it's so cool. We took lots of pictures but I'm not sure how well they came out because it was really bright.
There is also have Alien vs. Predator laser quest which I am scared of at first but I love it and am sad we left it right to the end coz we only get one go. At the end you can see your score and I beat Mattie and come third out of everyone, whoo hoo for me!
The next day we go shopping for some work clothes for Matt, luckily I can wear what I want to my job and we buy some REAL towels for the bargain price of $8 for two, you cannot understand how good it is to have a real towel after using a travel one for so long, I just had to explain that in case you all think I am going crazy, which I probably am just slightly!
Then when Tuesday rolls around we start work, we are both pleased to be working and it's so nice to have some extra money instead of living on our teeny budget, it means we can treat ourselves to meat for dinner and get coffee and cakes and other nice things like going to the cinema to see Terminator, all the essentials.
Sometime during the week we decide to try and find a place to rent for the duration of our stay as it will be cheaper than the hostel but we don't have much luck, the first place is occupied by a guy who we swear is squatting and wants to charge us to live in his squat, not a bad plan and it is very cheap but he appears to be totally high so we give that one a miss, then we go to see a room being let by a girl who is going on holiday for a month and wants to rent her room out but the bed is made of pallets and the other housemates are all vegan hippies so I'm not sure if our newly being able to afford meat selves will really fit in so it's a no for another week while we go back to work.
During this week we make the momentous decision to extend our stay here until October dum dum duuum! Because of this we can start to look for some nicer places to live and find our amazing apartment that we are in now, with our lovely housemates Orla and Cathal. I have posted pictures of the apartment now so you can all see.
So we are now at 22nd July and we have both been working for 6 weeks (I think), me at my carpet cleaning job where I answer the phones and book in the jobs and Mattie at his job where he books in services and repairs of medical equipment and things are going good. We haven't really been up to much since we started working, just enjoying having a little bit of extra money and trying to save some of it to fund the rest of our travels which means there is not a whole lot to write about.
But don't you worry because September will come around very quickly and we will be back on with the adventure so stay tuned…
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