We finally arrived in Canada after a much longer journey than we planned - there was a fire just near the track so we sat still for about 3 hours. Then we got to the hostel and it had all closed up as office hours were only til 9. Luckily the owner came back and sorted us all out! Its a really good hostel - small but freindly and bang in the middle!
Today we ventured to Niagra Falls on an organised bus trip - it was ace! The views were amazing. I've put pics on here but they dont really do it justice. It was quite a misty day and with all the spray of the water it was quite hard to get good pictures, especially when i didnt want to get my camera wet. But it was really good - we went on 'Maid of the Mist' which is a boat trip which takes you right into the falls. When you were in the middle you couldnt really see anything but you just got very wet! Apparently quite a few years ago a kid fell over the edge of the falls and lived! Cant imagine it really! People also used to go over it in Barrels and things.. think they must have been nuts! Apparently its a $10,000 fine if you try anything like that now so maybe i'll give it a miss!
On the way to the falls we stopped off at a vineyard and we got to sample free wine! It would have been a bit better if we werent all feeling so rough from last night! But it was good anyway.
On the way back from the falls we saw some more sights, such as the rapids and whirlpool and also stopped off for a bit in the town of Niagra which is really nice.
Toronto is ace as well - we went out last night with some people from the hostel. First we all tried to play trivial pursuit but it was the Canadian edition so we soon realised it was far too hard and gave up and went back to good old cards! We went out to a bar where some bands were playing.. it was good. We had a few drinks though and soon enough me and Carol were dancing away right at the front like we were diehard fans! I didnt want to get up this morning.
We are off again tomorrow (the time is flying!). We are going to Buffalo first where we only stay for 12 hours before we get another train over to Chicago where we'll be seeing R.E.M and modest mouse.. cant wait!
Oh also we have all taken to talking in really really bad american accents.. mark you will hate us when you come out im sure.. me and carol keep saying oooooooooh yeaaaaaaah! Then Liz will say 'Yeah Baby!'. I dont know how long it will keep being funny for but for some reason it still is.
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