We left Toronto and got the train down to Buffalo on thursday - when we got to Buffalo we had to wait for 12 hours until we could get the connecting train to chicago! The only place near us was a shopping mall so we went and spent the day there! 12 hours is a long time to spena in a mall - especially when you dont even like shopping! I got so bored that i went crazy and bought a nintendo DS - they are loads cheaper over here though and it will help keep me sane on the monster train journeys we have.
So we are now in Chicago which has been ace! Our hostel is really central. First thing we did when we got there was sign up for the free food and the pub crawl. It seemed most of the people on the pub crawl were english or irish - typical really.
The first night we went to the United Center where we saw R.E.M play - they were really good and support was by Modest Mouse and The National who were also ace. It was a massive arena - i think bigger than the MEN.
The saturday we went on a free walking tour around down town chicago in the morning. For tea we had free pizza and salad which was cooked by the Girl Scouts of Chicago -i think they do it quite often and we all had to say where we were from etc and have name tags! Then they gave us girl scout cookies.. ooh they were good!
In the evening we went on the organised pub crawl - we went to about 5 bars, i went to about 20 cash machines but none of them worked but in the end i found one and i was so happy. We took pictures of the moment and everything. We met loads of people - including 2 american women who bought us vodka jelly shots and then i found out that whitesnake was on the juke box and it went straight on and loads of people got dancing.. oh here i go again on my own.. going down the only road i've ever known...! Haha it was ace. I think we got in around 4am and i think id had 1 too many vodka jellies!
Sunday i didnt ever want to get up.. i felt horrible. I eventually surfaced around 1.30 and walked around in a daze - liz and carol were nowhere to be seen. Later we all headed down to the ChicagoBlues Festival - it was really good but packed. B B King was headling - i dont really know who he is but apparently he's the Elvis Presley of the blues world. It was nice - it was like being at V or Leeds festival. I got pooed on by a stupid bird. A big splat all down my arm. Then i talked to a cute dog called Dino. I wanted to take him with me.
Now we are just waiting to start what could be the worst 2 days of my life - a 50 hour train journey to Vancouver - we have called the journey the BEAST to try and make it sound more exciting. I have just made 8 sandwiches and we are going to all spend time making up a new card game each and then play it which should pass a few hours. And ive got my book, my DS and my I Pod - i should get through this hopefully.
Ive got lots of pics of Chicago but cant put them on as the computer wont let me here so i'll have to do it in Vancouver. Right - off to the station it is then. Im off to ride the BEAST! Woo hoo!
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