A short trip south we came to a place called Spot X. I'm not sure what the proper name of the place is but all there is there the surf school. We got a free surf lesson through the Oz Experience bus and all we had to pay was $55 each for a nights accomadation and three meals. The weather was terrible and never stopped raining but it didn't matter because we were getting wet anyway. When we got down to the beach there were hundreds of dead mullet on the sand which had been caught by some net fishermen. Apparently they had caught them for bait for other fisherman to use, what ever they were bait for must be big because most of the mullet were a good foot in length! Before we got in the water they went through how to surf and we had to do a quick run and yoga session. The surf was good and because we had done a lesson before I managed to stand up quite a few times, I even rode a wave all the way back to the beach. Mel on the other hand wasn't feeling it and didn't do to well, she managed to get to her knees though. That evening after dinner there was a quiz so we grouped up with our surfing pals and managed to win it! We all won a mojo surf bandana. After that we were so tired from Paul's and surfing we went to bed. We still had 11 days before we had to leave for NZ, and not wanting to spend over a week in Sydney we decided to go to Coff's harbour, so the next afternoon we got the bus down.
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