Our journey from Chau Doc to Phnom Phen turned out to be 12 hours rather than 8! Sometimes I think they just lie so your not put off by the long journey. 8 hours boat ride which was glorious scenery. Best way to see the Mekong. I do enjoy a buffalo or two. We also got to visit a fish farm and a muslim village. We went through the most relaxed border crossing I've ever been through in my life. Bags not checked, person not checked. You don't even need to be there when you get your visa. We just got off the boat, got our passport stamped by the riverside and then got back on. Rather scenic! Then just a couple of hours ride in a jammed minibus to the capital.
Phnom Pen is pretty cool, big open spaces of green and big highways, way less mopeds and less vehicles generally. Could not be more different to Vietnam's capital. Seems richer even though its not. On the first day we took a stroll around the city, visited the market and went to a food court. Its so hot in Phnom Pen you cant do too much without getting a right sweat on.
We visited the S-21 prison where Pol Pot's people tortured pretty much anyone, women, children, there own side, the other side. Anyone and then proceeded to take photo's of everyone which are the main feature of the museum. We also visited the Killing Fields which is surprisingly peaceful. It used to be an orchard and is really quite, you almost forget where you are until you see the monument of skulls!!
Not much else to tell for now, we've arrived in a place called Battambang in the North. x
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