Battambang turned out to be a nice couple of days. It was a lot less touristy there and not a huge deal to do so we hired a moped and cruised around the countryside visiting temples etc. We did meet a monk at the top of one temple that I quote said "Is this your girlfriend?? (to Matt obv) and then said "Maybe if I wasn't a monk I'd look for a girlfriend like her" Who knew monks said such things!! But he did then proceed to ask us for money so not your average monk maybe. Our hostel had a really good roof terrace where you can see the whole town and we witness a silent storm. It was so cool, there was no thunder but lightning inside clouds that lit up the whole sky and we even managed to catch a picture of it (facebook). Willsy screamed and threw his hands around like a black woman he was so excited.
Things we've noticed about Cambodia.
- The teenagers are super cool. No-one in Vietnam or China cared about clothes (or so it seemed) but Cambodians have some serious style. The boys all wear skinny jeans, high tops in various bright colours and trucker caps which they perch precariously on the top of their heads. Willsy wanted to be part of the gang so bought a trucker cap. Cambodian's love him now, he's invited for drinks, they all stop and talk to him in the street. I think he secretly likes it.
- Bananas are amazing.. Wasn't much of a fan at home but here they are really small and really sweet and i've become a bit obsessed. Hot banana's on sticks, banana shakes, banana pancakes.
- All the Cambodian people address you as 'lady' or 'sir' which is quite amusing because everywhere I go im addressed with "Hey lady, you buy something", but its actually supposed to be polite.
- Don't order pancakes in Cambodia. There interpretation of that is.. get a Victoria sponge (no joke) and put it in a frying pan until its warm and then serve it with a banana on the side. Not what you want to eat in the morning. Problem is, 1 time out of 10 they get it right so I keep going back for more.
- Children are left to work out the world for themselves, if your old enough to walk your old enough to do your own thing and apparently sharpen your colouring pencils with a massive CLEAVER (witnessed yesterday).
So after Battambang we went to Siem Reap to see Angkor Wat. We LOVE Siem Reap. Its definitely our favourite place so far. The town is basically a town or restaurants, massage parlours and more restaurants so your a bit spoilt for choice on the food front. Downside is that its not cheap. The town is surrounded by forests and loads of temples so you can hire a bicycle for a dollar and cycle around them all. You can even race small children (I WON). The temples were VERY COOL. I think even if your not into that sort of thing you can still really enjoy visiting them even if its just a cycle round. On one such occassion when we stopped for a rest on the side of the moat a monkey just rocked up and sat bye us checking us out. Blatently seeing if there was anything to steal. This woman pulled up not far from us on her moped and it took one look and pegged it over and stole her baguette. It was so funny (for us). Monkey hit and run. I think my favourite temple was Ta Prohm (or something similar) it was a scene right out of jurassic park. Birds screeching in high trees, in the middle of the jungle and loads of ruined temples with absolutely massive trees growing on the top of them. Amazing. See facebook for photos.
The second day we decided to visit some of the further temples around 50km away by tuk tuk. Its so beautiful, its literally rice paddy fields as far as the eye can see. A sea of green with a couple of buffalo thrown in. We visited a temple and then walked up a big hill through jungle to a river bed that has been carved with temple designs with a quick dip in the waterfall on the way back down. Delightful walk, although I did get attacked by a mob of butterflies. Literally would not leave me alone all the way back down.
The third day we had a day off and went to a nice hotel with a pool to relax, which was a good plan because it was super hot that day. Not a cloud in the sky. Got a four course meal for five dollars with the pool fee included. Good times. Today we've just finished off going round the temples and back to Angkor Wat one last time as we'll probably never see it again. We took a leisurely stroll around the extensive grounds along the edge of the moat. No tourists only cows.
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