The last day in Bangkok was spent making up for sleep lost on the sleeper train back from koh samui, if that makes any sense. We got back to the hotel at about 8.30am and they let us check in straight away which was good because we were like zombies. Rach hadnt been well all night so i had to trek around town looking for bloody lemsips, which doesnt exist in Asia. anyway, after talking myself out of buying thirty pounds worth of medicine from an Australian guy in one of the many pharmacy's i walked back to find a 7/11 (our new daily convenience store, there everywhere!), a mc'donalds and a boots. So with my eggmcmuffin, iced coffee, half the worlds supply of cold medicine in hand and an hour and a half later i returned back to "wheres my lemsip". She was really ill though, she looked awful, i mean really bad, still gorgeous though (pictures to come). We went to sleep till about 3 in the afternoon and then got up and went into siam centre, did a bit of shopping , had some dinner and went to see the new batman film at the imax theatre. It was the biggest screen you can imagine, we had big recliner chairs, popcorn, drinks and it all cost less than 8 pounds, letter to odeon uxbridge in the post. Went straight home after because we had to get up early for our flight in the morning. After breakfast and a taxi to the airport we flew out of bangkok airport for our next stop, Singapore. Using the airports are so much easier than i imagined they would be, although we havent got Seargant Major Tom Lomasney leading the frontline into heathrow, so we dont know any better. We will be posting the singapore blog soon and pictures within the next couple of days, sorry for the delay, the computer only allows internet use.
Love to all
Matt and Rach x x x
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