We had two days of r&r in Cuzco and really excelled ourselves in doing very little..After a lazy lie in we went for a wander around Cuzco which has so much history to it, originally being the Inca capital. The only down side is the amount of street vendors that hassle you here, much more than anywhere else.
In the afternoon we watched Peru lose to Venezuela in the Copa America football tournament which the locals took alot better than English fans do. That night we went to what seemed a nice restaurant where I had an Alpaca steak..anyway Montezuma had his revenge for my stupid eating habits and I was not a well man all night.
The following day I spent in bed feeling rather dodge, Hayley went and organised our rail tickets for the trip up to Agua Calientes which is 8km from Macchu Picchu and got a little bit of shopping in without me tailing behind her.
All in all two very uninteresting days but relaxing nonetheless, most of the time anyway..Tomorrow we were to be up for yet another early start ,this time 4:45 to get the train...
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