Hi, Carly is writing this that matt can try and upload some pics on to facebook. Sorry if the spelling is bad but this keyboard is rubbish.
Day 22:
So today was Matt's 25th Birthday and we were heading to Koh Samui. We made sure we were up so Matt could open all of his birthday cards!He says thanks to everyone! I even made him one when he wasn't looking - was naff but he appreciated it! After this we had our transfer to the boat. The boat was a high speed Catamaran which was pretty awesome even though there were abut 400 people on it. We were on the top deck which was fun and we caught the sun loads on the 2 hour boat journey.
When we got to the boat we had to choose which part of the island we wanted to stay on- we had no idea as we didn't even have a map but we spoke to a really cool guy who ran his own Thai restaurant the night before and he told us that Lamai was really nice and busy but not too busy like Chaweng. So we chose there. Good choice as it turned out! When we got to Koh Samui we had a free transfer and on the bus a guy said he's take us to some cheap accomodation called Sea Breeze Bungalows so we thought why not.
The bungalows are right on the beach but are pretty grotty but for less than 6 quid a night beggars can't be choosers. In the afternoon we chilled out on the beach which is stunning and the sea is lush apart from the sea lice which sting you in the shallow water!! In the evening we decided to go out for some birthday drinks and a nice meal. We had some really nice food at a place called Winston Churchill's and even managed to have a bottle of strongbow each! Was so nice! Both missing the Cider!
Over dinner we met 2 canadian guys called Dallas (What a name) and Derek it was Dallas' birthday so we joined in celebrations with them. Although Dallas was pretty smashed by 8pm!
We didn't have a big night out as we were both tired and neither of us want to waste our money on drinking so we went back to the bungalow and watched a film. Overall Matt said he had a great day but missed everyone.
Dat 23:
Well there isn't too much to say about our time in Koh Samui all we have done is sunbathe, swim, sunbathe, swim and eat Thai food but it has been great.
Today we did book our transport to Kuala Lumpur so we have that to look forward to on Tuesday morning 23 hours of solid travelling by bus-boat-bus then coach! Only cost us 20 quid though to travel a hell of a long way - pretty darn cheap.
Today we also had the funniest lunch - well i found it hilarious. We were waiting for our food to come out when a baby coconut (about the size of a plum) fell from the tree and hit Matt right between the legs! It was so funny i almost died from laughing so much and some random German guy found it funny. Matt wasn't impressed though at all - i wish i'd had the camera on me could have made some money on you've been framed.
Day 24:
Now today was alot more productive. We hired a moped for the day and decided to go to the Aquarium and Tiger Zoo - it was good fun! We both really enjoyed it and was cool seeing loads of the fish we saw Scuba Diving. After this we drove to Chaweng which is the biggest town of Ko Samui - it was nice but seemed really commercialised and expensive.
We grabbed some Thai food for lunch - which was gorgeous! Can i just say i think i have eaten more rice in the past 3 weeks then i have in the past 3 years of my life. I am actually starting to like it! Thai food is awesome - we haven't had any other food the whole time we have been here!
In the afternoon we felt obliged to sunbathe and chill on the beach it was a beautiful day! Then in the evening we headed out to an ozzie bar for a few beers and to watch some football!
Day 25:
Once again not much to report - subathed - despite there not being much sun as it was overcats! I still managed to get burnt though. In the evening we headed back to the ozzie bar so we could watch all the end of season football matches! Was pretty crazy as they had a different match showing on each of the 6 tvs - was a goodnight though apart from some very loud drunken chelsea fans singing inappropriate chants considering we are in Asia.
Day 26:
So that brings me to today - well the weather is shocking today it has pretty much been raining since last night. So we have just been catching up on a few things like the washing and updating the blog.
Sorry this blog hasn't been very exciting but we should have lots of stories to tell from Malaysia. Can't believe our Thailand stint is over - it has gone so quick but also seems like we have been here ages and seen so much. We definitely both want to come back and see alot more but there is only so much you can do in 3 and a half weeks on a budget!
Oh a few last things - i swear our bungalows are actually a brothel as in every other room is a horrible fat western guy with a young Thai girl - it is disgusting! Plus speedos and male thongs should be banned!
Hope you have enjoyed the read! We will updating you soon on Malaysia - then we fly to Perth on May 30th!Crazy!
Hope everyone is well - Take Care!
Love Carly and Matt x x x
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