Hey everyone, its been a while.
Hope everyone back home is well. I will be sending my mobile number out shortly as we are now actually in Perth, but one thing at a time.
We hope that everything went well yesterday with the funeral & service. Sure it was a fitting celebration, may Nan rest in peace.
Day 40:
Cant believe its day 40! We left you last time saying we were just arriving in Singapore. We checked into a hostel called 'The Prince of Wales' with Steve & Marcus. It was a mission finding somewhere to stay but got there in the end. After a quick pint we all went to bed.
It was a 10 bed dorm, the first weve actually stayed in & it was not a nice experience. The aircon had been set to 19 degrees & we all froze. We all complained in the morning & it was turned up for the next night!! I would say when we woke up we had breakfast but we didnt even sleep so we just in fact went down from breakfast to warm up!!
During brekkie we met a group of Irish guys that were actually staying in our room, Jimmy, Brendan, Niall, Garrett & Podger. They were really cool & they told us they were going to the zoo/night safari in the afternoon. We invited ourselves along as you do & they were happy for the company. We did some shopping after breakfast but didnt buy anything. Not really shopping then. We had a nap back at the hostel just to catch up with our sleep then we all set off to the Night Safari.
It was awesome, really blew our expectations out of the water. It was almost like a theme Park equivalent, really well layed out & super busy. We took the tram all around the site with a guide telling us about each animal. There were tigers, lions, buffalo, hyenas, hippos & rhinos plus hundreds more. Then we walked around the inner parts & saw leopards & my favourite, the giant flying squirrel. We caught 3 of them in full flight & it was breathtaking. Loved those big ginger beasts!!
There was a creatures of the night show afterwards that we all went to & it ws really well done & Niall was called up to hold a 4 metre snake. He said it weighed a ton.
We went back to the hostel to have a couple pints but it just wasnt enough. By 1am we decided that a night out was needed. We met a few more at the hostel, Milton, a guy from Exeter, Kate from Oz & two guys from behind the bar called Miles & Rick. They decided we should go to a huge mall full of bars, also known as 'Four Floors of w****s'!! We could see why instantly. Never been the focus of so much attention like that before & especially wierd as I was with Carly the whole time!! It was as though the chippendales had entered the building. Funny as.
We left the first place & went to a proper club which was the same deal really but with a live band & big dance floor. The drinks were ridiculously expensive, we paid $18 for two cokes!!!! Luckily we snuck a bottle of Vodka in with us so it wasnt too bad.
We arrived back at the hostel at 5am after a thouroughly awesome night but the Irish guys carried on til 8. We just crashed out after the lack of sleep from before.
Day 41:
Got up for brekkie at 9am, yeh I slept for 4 hours & Carly slept in til 10am but the brekkie was free so wasnt gonna miss that!
The Irish lads checked out just after 10am to head for the airport & we checked out shortly after. Our flight wasnt for 24 hours but we wanted to save a nights accommodation by sleeping at the airport. We didnt do much all day, just played some cards with Milton & Kate & wandered to Raffles Hotel, or at least tried to! The weather was shocking. Not surprising, as you know everytime we leave somewhere it rains.
We went to the airport at 10pm & checked in about 10 hours before take off. Just took some sweet talking by yours truely to swing that one. We ended finding a quiet spot on the floor & trying to sleep through the night! Was not comfortable but on the whole the airport was immense. It had a pool, a gym, free internet, stupid number of eateries & loads of tv's. Plus the shopping was immense. They even had a spa.
Day 42:
Burger King was the priority before any flight so we went straight there at 7am. The flight was on time & we took off at 9.05, the flight was perfect apart from the entertainment system being broken. They gave us magazines & free soft drinks instead. Was cool.
We arrived in Perth & it was raining hard. We got through Customs with no problems & into the arrivals lounge. It was freezing cold. We were both wearing shorts which didnt help!
We transferred from the airport oin a shuttle bus to Ozi Inn in Northbridge. It took 2 hours for a 30 min journey cos there were so many stops on the way. Didnt matter we were just glad to get a bed & a shower!
We went for a beer in another hostel & met a few people then got an earlyish night. Chatted to a guy in our room called Martin, he was obviously pissed though!
Time running out now so will update when we can. No pics of Singapore as there wasnt much to see! Hired a camper from Saturday to head up the West coast. Cant wait!! Speak soon, love to
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