Hi Everybody, hope you haven't missed us too much. We thought it would be nice for you all to see our pics from the Northern Territories but we didn't have any time to update the blogs. We have been busy as you will shortly find out. Let's not waste any time now.
Day 108:
So as we left it last time, we woke up at 4.45am in Sydney being creful not to wake anybody up on our way out. We had said our goodbyes to Luke the night before.
Our taxi arrived bang on time, 5.30am & we set off for the airport. Our flight to Alice Springs was due to take off at 7.10am so we had bags of time. As it turns out the flight boarded on time, but we sat on the tarmac for 30 mins as the baggage hadn't been loaded!! To make it worse there was a strong headwind which meant the flight would take 30 mins longer.
The flight was ok & we were fed a huge breakfast which we happily scoffed. We landed in Alice Springs around 10.30am & there were two big smiles at arrivals belonging to Ed & Sara.
We did the whole 'man hug' thing & collected our supersize 27kg bag from the carousel. Ed showed us to 'The Queen of Farts', our transport for the next week or so. It was awesome, way better than the van we were given & it was cheaper. Work that one out!!
As Ed is a Liverpool fan, he understood my devastation at losing my shirt to some pikey thief & very generously replaced it with a spanking new one. Absolute legend!
So once we got on the road we drove straight to the Centre of Alice Springs to get some supplies. We decided that we would start by touring the West McDonnell Ranges for a few days. They lie in the 'West McDonnell Range National Park'.
With Carly led in the back & me, Sara & new driver Ed in the front we arrived at Simpsons Gap. It was just a gap in the mountain range but nice enough. We even saw a few Wicked vans.
Then onto Standley Chasm, we had to pay to do the walk but it was really funny & well worth it. We got some properly funny photos & climbed up a huge cliff face. The views were immense, all across the Outback. We made some grub back at the van then carried on to Ellery Creek Big Hole.
It was our campground for the night, the fees were placed in an honesty box & we set the tent & van up for the night. We looked through eachothers pics on Ed's laptop & made some tea. Then we took in the views of the night sky, shooting stars, milky way, Jupiter & more. When we got bored we took some action photos, jumping from small fence posts. Got some really good ones as you will have seen already Im sure...
Day 109:
It was an early start this morning as we wanted to get on our way along the range in good time & before dark. The first thing we did was check out Ellery Creek Big Hole. Just a big waterhole, but cool none the less.
We drove along the highway to Serpentine Gorge & basically climbed a mountain to get the view over the gorge. The whole stupid photo thing was becoming a trend, which was fine by us!! The views were awesome as well.
The next stop on the way along was Ochre Pits, not really worth the stop to be honest but we cooked lunch. Well me & Ed played frizbee & the girls cooked. The night before we played football while they cooked. It was like a half board holiday!!
The only nuisance that we had encountered was the number of flies. I'm talking thousands, at all times, trying to get in your ears, eyes & mouth. Really wound us up. Undetered we carried on to Ormiston Gorge.
It was a gorgeous little place, small lake that is a river in wet season & massive colourful cliff faces. Me & Ed skimmed a few stones before a black-footed rock wallaby appeared. They are quite rare & to see it was really cool. It disappeared after a while then emerged with a baby rock wallaby. Was so cute & we got some cool pics of the two of them.
After a couple hours just chilling out we drove to the last stop on the range, Glen Helen Gorge. It was a cool resort, with a bar, shop, entertainment, games room & restaurant. We set up our tent & van near a fire pit so we could start a fire later.
That didn't work out in the end as we met a few people at the bar including an aboriginal guy called Tommy Crow who played didgaridoo & sold paintings. He seemed really cool but kept playing the 'I'm amazing 'cos I'm an aboriginal with a job' card & it got really boring & we just ended up thinking he was a wang.
There were some cool people there though & after many many beers, we went back to the campsites & Tommy was having a huge fire. We all joined in & got even more hammered. Bad idea as we would come to realise in the morning!!
Day 110:
Ed was hanging this morning. Several regurgitations during the night still hadnt helped!! The rest of us went to check out the Gorge which was nice but Carly got us lost in really tall grass. She said it was like that Mel Gibson film 'Crops'. I'm sure she meant 'Signs'!!
Ed led in the back of the van when we set off & within 20 mins he was throwing his stomach up into the sink. We pulled over & took some pics of him!! Was really funny although we were feeling sorry for him at the same time.
We arrived back in Alice Springs after a few hours of driving & checked into a campsite called G'day Mate, really friendly place. We pratted about in the pool for an hour or so, even though it was freezing. I got the chance to show off my wife beater tan lines! In the evening we watched 'The Hills Have Eyes 2'. It were pants!!
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