Hello everyone,
Carly is on the blog writing today - i have come out of my bad mood which i have been in since saturday and decided to cheer up as things are looking good!
Well as you all know our introduction to Sydney wasn't the best and when we come back at christmas for New years i'm sure everything will work out alot better and then we can really enjoy it. It is a beautiful and vibrant city we have just been so caught up with trying to sort stuff out that we haven't really taken any of it in. For example we must have walked past harbour bridge about 5 times whilst looking for our lost belongings which were scattered around king cross and didn't even notice it.How sad is that.
We aren't going to do our usual big brother blog letting you know what we have done each day. As there is nothing interesting to say, unless you want to here about all the paperwork we have filled out and the many phone calls made to various companies.
But anyway we had an awesome night last night and a really good day today.
Last night we took Luke out for dinner to a Thai restaurant, this was to say a big thankyou for letting us stay. We were only meant to crash for one night but ended up staying for 6 - bless luke he is a legend. Anyway Dinner was delicious, we were going to head out for more drinks but we had to go back as a guy was coming to buy our car.
The guy and his girlfriend had come the night before to have a look and seemed interested. So they made us an offer and we said we would think about it. Only because we didn't want to sound to eager to get rid of it. So the next morning we called him and accepted it.
So after dinner we headed home waiting for this guy to call which he said he would do between 8 -9pm. So we waited and waited but no phone call. Finally he rang about 9:30 and eventually turned up about half 10. With the cash for the car. We were so chuffed - we have loved the car to bits and its been good but after what happened we just wanted to get rid of it.
Just to let you all know we sold the car for $100 more than we brought it for, so all it has cost us for the last month is the petrol so our journey down the east coast has worked out rather cheap - well alot cheaper than hiring one.
So today we woke up smiling and relieved that we can now make other plans. So we headed staright to Flight Centre and have booked 2 tickets (one way) to Alice springs!So we fly out tomorrow (friday) morning!We both really wanted to see Uluru. Plus Ed and Sarah are in Alice Springs at the moment so we are going to spend a week or 2 with them. It should be awesome and so good to see people that we know.
So the next blog should be rather interesting with lots of nice pics.
So this was just a quick one to say we are both alot happier now and have replaced most of the clothes that were pinched...all we have to wait for now is Matts passport which will take about a month. Everything else is sorted.
So we both are looking forward to writing the next blog and getting to alice springs where i hope it is slightly warmer than Sydney as it is bloody freezing. I nearly brought a coat today and i never even wear one at home.
Hope everyone is well, take care and lots of love x x x x
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