Hello everyone,
Well Carly is back on the blog writing just to finish off our time in Alice Springs. Sorry it has been a bit broken up but we left the blog so long that we had way too much to write.
So last time we left you we were just arriving back in Alice springs, so.......
Day 116:
So it was our first day back in alice springs and as you can imagine we had a whole lot of washing to do - which ended up being mine and Saras job. Everything was so dirty from all the red soil. We washed everything in washers but it all came out dirtier then when it went in, so me and sara handwashed most of it. And there was alot. So note to anyone going to the outback don't wear anything white - like Ed seemed to do quite alot especially when quad
While me and Sara sorted out the washing the boys took the van to wicked to get it fixed as the indicators had stopped working while we were at Uluru. Hand signlling was fun but we thought for safety reasons they should get it fixed.
In the afternoon we went into town so me and Matt could check out flights to Melbourne. So ed dropped us in about 2pm and everything was shut. It is strange in Oz as they don't seem to like working weekends at all. The boys ended up buying the first series of Flight of the conchords (An awesome New zealand sitcom) so we spent the evening watching that. It is so funny - so we recommend watching it.
Oh we also managed to book flights thanks to Fi for finding out all the details for us! So we fly to Melbourne on Tuesday with the well known airline Tiger airways!!! They were quite cheap and cheerful so all should be good!It took me about 30 minutes to book them though as the woman spoke very little english - so i had to spell out every single word i said using the phonetic alphabet!It was hilarious as i seemed to know it better than she did!Ed had to go on the phone to pay for them on his credit card (as mine got stolen) and he had the best ones as G for Goafer and T for Train!Quality!!!If only they were all like that.
Day 117:
Today we generally chilled out. The boys played footy all morning then we sorted through all of our pics in the afternoon.
Sorry quite a dull day, probably wasn't worth writing about - but they can't all be funfilled!
Day 118:
Today we had an internet day so we all headed into town and spent most of the day uploading photos and catching up with the rest of the world. Like what the hell is with russia and Georgia and china are kicking ass on the olympics. As we rarrely go on the internet or read papers its so weird when you find out everything thats been going on and in the rest of the world not just australia.
Ed and Matt brought some scratchies, Matt lost and Ed ended up $30 up!Not bad!
Ed said he was going to cook as he hadn't yet done it. But after little persuasion we all decided to have a final farewell tea of Maccy D's! So i never did get to tast Edwards Culinary skills, - guess i will have to wait until our final leg of the trip in America! But the Maccyd's was Ed's treat after the scrathcies win!! Thanks dude.
After Tea we watched the last few episodes of flight of the conchords and headed to bed!
Day 119:
Today we are flying to Melbourne so we got up early and packed!Very puzzled how we managed to fit a Tent and a pillow and all our clothes into our bag on the way over and now we can barely get our clothes in!God knows!
Ed aand Matt had a final kickabout before they dropped us at the airport! We said our Goodbyes and headed for check in. Now it turned out the illiterate woman who spoke little english on the phone messed up our baggage allowance. Apparently we were only allowed to take 15kg on the flight even though we payed for 30kg. We were both not happy and did not want to pay the $20 for every kg we had over 15. So we pleaded with the woman and she let us off!
The flight was cool - we still can't understand the half hour time difference between Alice Springs and the East. So strange i thought time differences were usually done in hours!
Melbourne looks just lik England - Green, Cold and Wet!Was a nice sight though!We got a shuttle bus into the CBD and checked into the Kingsgate Hotel - which was cheaper than most of the hostels. It was basic but nice to have your own room and a proper bed! Yay no more tents!!! We grabbed some yummy food at the Bar and then headed to bed - it was only 7pm but we were shattered!
Carly & Matt x x x
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