Hello Everyone - Carly is back on the blog writing - so be prepared for bad grammar!
So it has been a while since the last blog as the internet on Tioman cost loads plus we were on an island and busy snorkelling and diving so couldn't be bothered!Ha ha sorry guys!
Ok so i'll finish off our time in KL.
Day 33:
Today we had a proper lie in until 11am as we were going to have a long day. We got up and then checked out of the hostel but left our bags in James room for the day! We had no idea what to do today and it was Budha's Birthday (God knows how old he is) this meant KL was super busy as alot of people had the day off! So we started the day with a Maccy D's (nice and healthy). After this we thought we would go and check out the aquarium so we caught the train - which was fun and really easy to use! The aquarium was rammed and expensive! So annoying how they have one price for malaysians and then alot more expensive one for everyone else! So cheeky if we did that back in England there would be outrage!
After this we caught the monorail to Bunit Bintang so James could do some shopping and we thought it would be cool to have a wander! I nearly brought a rip curl dress for a fiver (how cheap) even Matt was telling me to buy it - but i didn't as i think one bag breaking within a month is a sign that i have too many clothes already! Matt has actually brought more clothes then me since we have been away (Shock) it is amazing how easily stuff breaks! After a bit of shopping we had some dinner and a few beers as it was our final night in KL and to say Goodbye to James! On the way back we stopped off at KL Sentral to watch all the parades for Budha's birthday - these were really fun and involved loads of floats and flowers and monks chucking water at you using some twigs! Quite bazaar but fun!
At 11pm we had to catch the bus to Mersing - so we had a fun 6 hours bus journey in the freezing cold temperatures of the coach! It is ridiculous over here they like love aircon so turn it down to about 15 degrees on turbo mode - i ended up wearing 2 pairs of trousers 2 t-shirts and a hoody! More clothes then i wore the whole time in KL!
Anyway off to Tioman Island! Woop!
Day 34:
So we arrived at Mersing at 4am then had to hang around for the ferry til 7:30am. After a 2 hour boat journey we got to Tioman - which is absolutely stunning (apparently it was voted one of the top 10 most beautiful islands in the world)! When we got there we were pretty tired and hot! So we splashed out a bit on accomodation for the next 5 night! So we had a beach bungalow which had only just been built it has air con and a fan, a quilt (pure luxury) and lovely bathroom with hot water!Also has a massive balcony and you can see the beach and see which is about 10m away!We loved it and as soon as he showed us it we couldn't resisit! It is 20 quid a night though for both of us - but as food and drink here is so cheap we should still be well under budget.
After we had sat there for 5 minutes lapping up the luxury we headed straight for the beach and had a snorkel! There are some pretty awesome fish here! We then realised we would need money to pay for everything so had to take a stroll to the only bank/atm on the island which is a 45 minute walkaway! On the way back we saw massive spiders - which was horrible but i suppose we will get used to that gong to Oz!
Day 35 & 36:
I'm combining the next 2 days we we didn't do alot. On wednesday we woke up early and decided to take a walk to the next resort along - this consisted of jungle trekking and climbing over a lot of massive rocks! It was fun but very hot - when we got round to moneky bay we had a snorkel and then thought we would trek a little further. After about 5 minutes of walking through more jungle we deided against it as we had no idea how far Salang (the next resort) was from our resort ABC! The plan was to get an early night and get up at 3am to watch the Champions League Final but we both slept through the alarm so missed it.
Thursday we got breakfast and managed to catch a replay of the football which Matt was chuffed about! So funny they show the matches like 5 times a day after its been played! It's replay heaven! We decided to do some Scuba Diving on Friday which involved getting more cash out so we took another long stroll to the ATM - neither of the cards worked again! Our Banks are rubbish - how many phone calls can one person have to their bank! On the way back we were boiling so stopped off at another beach for a snorkel and a sunbathe! Such a hard life! In the afternoon Matt hired a pushbike and cycled to the ATM....again! Finally my card worked - so we had some cash to do the diving! So tomorrow we have 2 dives - so should be a long day and we get lunch on the boat! Hopefully we might see some turtles or sharks!
Day 37:
Today was diving day & the weather promised great conditions, it was clear & calm.
We caught the boat out to the dive spot with about 20 people in total. Just before the first dive Matt headbutted me, it near knocked me out! It was an accident of course, those vests dont actually make him a woman beater! He found it hilarious though! Then we geared up & jumped in. The visibility was really poor, no more than 5 metres which was really disappointing. However we did see our first turtle, such a cool site. Didnt spend long with it though, our guide seemed to be in a hurry & has probably swam with a million others before.
After lunch we sped off to another site & started our 2nd dive. The conditions were slightly better & there was more to see which was good. Saw triggerfish which are aggressive apparently, although they dont look it & we saw another stingray & hundreds of other tropical fish & creatures.
When we arrived back at the dive centre we had a look through a book to find out what fish we had seen which was really handy.
We were shattered by now so we just grabbed a bite then watched Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels in our room!
Day 38:
Woke up today & my cold was really bad from diving. Started before the dive but thought it might clear up. We had a lie in then hit the beach & spent all day sunbathing & snorkelling. Was so chilled out, proper Island life!
We played some cards to keep ourselves entertained for a bit then went to watch The Mighty City get beat by batty Hull. Everyone in the bar seemed to be laughing at Matt. He gets quite involved as we all know!
Day 39:
We checked out today & as always the weather was terrible. We were starting our journey to Singapore with a boat ride back to Mersing but the jetty was a decent walk from our bungalow. We got absolutely drenched & all our clothes in our backpacks received as well!
When we arrived in Mersing, we were offered a taxi to the border for 25 quid. Even though its a 3 hour drive we decided it was expensive & hopped on the bus with the locals!! It cost a quid each & was way more fun. Some guys from Tioman ended up following along as well, Steve from Portsmouth & Marcus from Sweden. We got to Kota Tnggi & went for a KFC together. Then grabbed another bus that took us to Johor Bahru, just on the border with Singapore. One more bus to catch & we were there. Customs was a nightmare cos we had to keep getting on & off buses all the time but we arrived safe & sound at around 11pm. Very long day. Took an hour to find a place to stay as well which royally sucked. Most places were full or way too expensive.
After a shower we all had a beer together & called it a night.
Hope everyone at home is okay & well. Tell Vicki I will call her when we get to Oz & will be watching the telly in anticipation! Love to the families. xxx
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