I didn't get your message today until it was to late to phone the insurance company, however you can be put on cover immediately so even if I don't get time on Monday to do it, we can always ring on Tuesday when we get back from the air port.
The university rang yesterday to see if you were back, I told them you would ring on Wednesday. She was really nice and said that she only rang to let us know they were still keeping a place open for you.
Hope you enjoy your last couple of days. We are all looking forward to seeing you and hearing about your adventures, and seeing all the pictures etc, so, even if you are the most unbelievably exhausted person in the whole world, you will have to stay up long enough to show us all, and then do it all again when Megs gets home from school.
I will check the departure time of the plane, as if I am right it will leave Brazil at about 8.30pm (ish) our time, so we will know if there have been any delays etc before we go to bed. Either way we will be there to meet you once you have got through customs.
Have a safe trip home, and see you soon.
Mrs P
Looking forward to seeing you pottering around Fordingbridge again soon. I hope that you have managed to do everything you wanted to do and more. You really have had an amazing time. Thanks for taking the time to share your adventures with us and have a safe journey home.xxxxx
Hi Mat
Please tell me that river was ok to swim in and didn't contain any of those horrible vampire fish that swim into areas that you would struggle to get them out of.
We had a good weekend with Dom and Sue but unfortuanately didn't come away from the races any richer. Sarah couldn't remember which race you told her to bet on so we didn't.
Anyway hope you're ok and have a brilliant last week as a backpacker.
See you very soon, hooray. Lots and lots of love xxxx
Mrs P
Well what can I say, your pictures and diaries are fantastic although some of them a bit scarey, really pleased to see that you are still having a good time. It makes life in Fordingbridge appear quite dull. Mind you you did miss the grand opening of the new posher Coop last week. It was all too much for Brian he had to go home for a lie down.....I think it was the excitement of seeing clowns and general carnival atmosphere it was all too much for a man to cope with!!! I did discover something last week that perhaps I shouldn't confess to. Bazil brush is a fox not a red squirrel. My whole child hood |( all 21 years of it!!!) I spent thinking he was a squirrel...how embarrassing. You will be pleased to hear that the frollicking ducks ( from a few weeks ago) have now produced, there are several mother ducks marching around with their ducklings...I do like a happy ending. Josh is off to Portugal in a few weeks time, he is going with his girl friend and her family. He is such a clothes tart I think he will have to sit on his suitcase to shut it! Joe is out celebrating Matt Hairs 18th. Adam bought the last 2 tickets in the whole area ( he thinks) to see Spider man 3 tonight. Any way it is 11.15pm here so I am now going to retire to bed. Goodness only knows what I'll dream about tonight, last night I dreamt that the boys were all in jeans and had short white pleated skirts on over the top...a new fashion maybe!!! Until the next time good night and keep safe.xx
The coach seats look great, but I don't envy you all that time in them. How are you getting back from the falls ? not a return journey on the coach I hope.
Glad to see you are still having some 'best' experiences on the trip even this late on. Watch out for the fish that swim up your urine stream and into your 'you know what' whilst you are in that part of Brazil, as that would definitely not be a 'best' experience.
Do you know which terminal you will be arriving at ? If so, its quite simple, you land, get off the plane, pick up your luggage and then walk out where we will be waiting for you, with a sign saying Mat Bowen just in-case you don't recognise us.
Enjoy your last week !!! see you soon.
Mrs P
Master B tis Mrs P!!! You have been in my thoughts. Sadly our server Tiscali messed up. We asked to be sped up and ended up with nothing!! I am off to work now but will read all your diaries and write later. Keep safe.xxxx
Hi Mat,
Something else to look forward to on your return....I have put your name down for Netball again this year, there is agame on the 15th so you had better get some sleep on the plane so you can play !!! They are not really expecting you to play that night, but they are hoping you can make the next few Tuesdays in a row. I bet you can't wait......any way, you have some catching up to do as your old man got players player and umpires player in our first match...which we won by the way.....I bet you can't wait....much more exciting than sky diving, swimming with Dolphins, etc...
Not long now, only a week and some days !!! You don't mind walking back from the airport do you, only I can't be bothered to come and pick you up !! Actually, you may even be graced by Dan's presence at the airport as he is on study leave that day so may come along.....he can keep you and Sarah company in the back seat on the way home !!!!!!
See you soon, lots of love
Auntie Karen
Where did you say that hotel was in Brazil, PARTY! with loads of cake, man I love da cake, give me the cake, cake! cake! cake! CAKE! C A K E !!
Sorry not much of a message more of an obsession. See you soon, I hope, once you have recovered from the heady world of Fordging bridge Co-op and the love bomb that will explode when you hit these shores. All my love in advance.
Auntie Karen
Granma &`grampy Written By Tim
Hi Matts
We are glad that epic journey is over and your safe and well and that you soon find something decent to eat . Pleased that we arein May so we can say you will be home this month.Down in rural Gloucestershire the weather is great and we have been eating in the garden looking forward to your next set of photos
Stay safe keep well love you lots
ha ha Granma Grampy
Hello Mat
Hope you're ok and not feeling too hungry (Sarah tells me the food is very expensive and not very nice).
Thought you minght like to know there's been some interesting new developments in Fordingbridge - a refurbished Co-Op, now hold back and don't get too excited. It was the grand opening on Saturday morning (watched all the excitement from work) Hyde band were playiing, free goodie bags, face painting, free wine, helium filled balloons - Abby thought it was funny swallowing the helium until she overdosed and fainted onto the pavement. Now I bet you're really looking forward to coming home (By the way thats not our Abby it's Megans Abby).
Weather here is still unbelievably good for the time of year.
Dan's doing his art exam today and tomorrow hopefully his room won't look like an artists studio when he's finished.
Anyway see you in a couple of weeks, have a great time and lots of love xxx
Megz Xxx
hello matthew how are you?? i actually haven't left a comment on her for a loooonnnnggg time, SORRY!!! :( but you seem to have been having yourself a jolly time, i am very glad that you are safe << me being very glad that you are safe.
oh and, btw robbie, zio, no-one actually no what you said n your last comment! including matty!
anyway, mat, i can't wait till you get home, even though i wont be coming to pick you up from the airport because i am not allowed the time off school!!!!! :(
stay safe, have fun
love mee
Indovina chi sono ? Ho visto con interesse le tue varie avventure ma adesso sei nel mitico Brasile famoso per molti altri tipi di rischi... Visto che prossimamente vienite a trovarci mi sembra giusto iniziare a fornire qualche piccolo "tip" d'italiano. Una sola raccomandazione :ESAGERA !!!!