hey all! long time no see, been just chilling in bondi this week, playing in the surf, lots of sunbathing (weather is perfect- 25-30C sunny everyday) and also looknig for a job.. job hunting not going so well, but c'est la vie, something will turn up... got a job on sunday but quit the same day... absolutely sucked, i had to try and get passers by to sign up for a rubbish american express card, no luck at all and it was all commission so ended losing about 50dollars of travel and expenses instead of earning. grrrrrrrr. so yesterday i signed up for a harvesting company and they'll find me work within 2 days they say, so hope to get a call today and then ill be leaving sydney prob 1000km west to the outback to pick a fruit or veg in the sweltering heat for a few weeks before crimbo... pay is good if i work hard so i dont expect to get too much money... but enough lol.. will be cool to experience some outback farmer hill billy weirdo abo lifestyle, so really looking forward to a complete change of lifestyle! here its just beautful fashionable people chilling and people watching in the pricey bars and cafes, surfing surfing and more surfing, which is amazing by the way.. and then going out in the evenings! great lifestyle. could easily see myself settling in here. today is another beautiful day, hot and sunny, and after ive made a few more job calls, ill be hitting the surf til sunset and then a game of beach volleyball before showering and back to the flat for some MOOOOOOORE spaghetti, cheese and tuna... been living off that meal twice a day as i have no money, and wana save what i have left for travelling to the harvesting.. no worries though, everyday for past 4 or 5 days ive spent zero, just take water to the beach,and thats it! so great living on the beach and owning a football coz theres always something to do! oh yeah im living in a flat now just down the beach from the hostel, staying for free which is a touch coz the prices just went sky high for the christmas high season! met a great swedish guy in my room and his 3 swedish girl mates and we are all living together in the flat. could be worse. place had no furniture, but we 'found' 3 matresses and the swedes went out and bought themselves beds. xavier the frenchy is staying here too. great group of people to live with, always fun. and plus xavi has pro evolution soccer 5 on his laptop so thats sorted out early evenings!! have a fridge now too and and oven. all ya need! theyve all gone job hunting today, and meet them later on the beach. met another few english yesterday in the hostel (where i still go alot for free breaky hahaha abuse the system...) and will meet them on the beach today. u also get free surfboard hire there too, so manage to blag that everyday also... this budgeting thing is great, learning so much about how to live cheapily but with everything i need! ok, so im staying for free for a few nights, that doesnt usually happen, but once im earning money i will pay my way, take them out for dinner etc... so anyway, gone go to the beach now and become more of an aboriginal, play a bit of footy, get the board out, and of course keep the ongoing phone calls to jobs and harvestline going... will add more photos very soon.. hope everyone is well and looknig forward to xmas! doesnt seem liek the build up to xmas here at all! no lights or anything yet. will be weird if im n the outback fruit picking around christmas, will be a great traveller atmosphere though, can imagine it now, big bonfire in the desert under the stars will good wine, or hopefully i can get back to bondi for christmas, big dance rave on the beach on xmas day! anyway, speak again soon, mat x
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