ah gday mates!!!!!
rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreally annoyed right now as ive just spent over an hour writing a really decent postcard addition about travelling and new years etc etc and then clicked ok and the paged timed out and i lost and learn no worries, should have copied the text before i sent it to its death. so wat im gona do coz im tired and pissed off, is bullet point all of wat ive just written... grrrrrrrrrr computers
-------------new years-- HAPPY NEW YEARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!
new years eve:
--fin work at 4. supposed to be 7 but weather too hot, electric wires fried=powercut=mataus happy
--bought lots of beer and wine-bottle-o
-went to toms house-nice
--big big piss up and party-boogying
--over excited drunk swedish girls and me and the guys playing games= fun
--went to the hilltop to watch fireworks on sydney harbour bridge- thrilling
--rang home and spoke to parents who were walking dogs in the frost-cold
--me being down under and very hot celebrating new year-surreal
--went back to house- party
--went to golf course viewpoint to watch and celebrate midnight with more drinks and singing- crazy
--went down to bondi nightclub for more mad crazy dancing and partying- embarassing(but its new years-not an issue)
--went outside to dance along to the FATBOYSLIM concert on the beachfront-loud
--went back to flat to eat grapes in a drunken state and watch the concert and ring people at home- sobering
--staggered back to the club and partied til 3ish-wobbly
--more dancing outside the fence of fatboyslim concert with randoms-absolute nearly best tunes ive heard(doesnt match dj tiesto live)(but damn good)-memorable
--went back to toms for after after party and drank and partied-most people conked out-floor sleeping
--dragged myself back up to my flat and crashed for 15 hours-brain malfunction
--bondi still has power cut-no work= happy
--very hot-46C on beach-sweaty
--dehydration from last night-zero energy+bad body/headache= good effort last night
--next 10 days been working most days in the cafe- keen
--going to beach on days and mornings off- UV extreme
--play footy on wednesdays- enjoyable distraction
--palina over from hong kong for a few days before back to denmark to study- icelandicness
--today went to blue mountains and mucked about with kangaroos- jumpy
--visited beautiful ('-insert many descriptive adjectives here-') waterfall- refreshing
--rode on worlds steepest railway- slanty
--went on extremely high skytrain thingy- floaty
--just spend 5mins rewriting in bullet point form an hours essay- satisfying recovery
--spoke to brother joshy and hes looking to come out for a month- legend
--we may go to s.america wen hes 18- jolly
--eyes tired and gona head off now,staying in kings cross in a nice room for a few nights with icelandic- pillow joy
--which reminds me i will have to buy a sheet and at least a pillow for my matress back at the flat, its been over a month just sleeping on a bare matress with a jumper as a pillow- aching
--weather hot
--flat life in bondi good
--working alot
--visite la plage beaucoup
--xavier moving out of flat soon-decrease in french knowledge predicted- increase annoyance at hearing swedish talk also predicted
--hoping to all move out middle of march when weve saved and bought a van
- comments