Mary's Travels
The wake up call came at 5:00 and we went to the airport where we had to part with our fellow Sionians sooner than we thought. Luckily, one of the California schools went with us through security, so Sarah and I felt much better. We were nervous that our flight was so shorti that we'd get there and just fall asleep at noon haha. But we were really excited. Luckily, our families were waiting for us with huge smiles :) it was so nice to finally meet them! We drove home separately and I made it in about an hour. Sermaise is a beautiful little town, and the house was built in 1770 and is in renovation. It's so darn cute and home-y. Claire showed me around, I unpacked, and we had lunch as a family. We ate a delicious different kind of crepe with ham and tomatoes and eggs on the side. It was perfect. A nice warm home made meal on such a cold day in Paris. Very different from the scorching Italy. After lunch, I made some calls and then Anne (the mom) took Claire (my exchange girl) and I to her school to see the president of the European Union give a presentation. Due to the four hours of sleep I got, I'll admit that it was hard to keep up with all the French. But it was a HUGE deal that he would come to their small town. I wanted a picture with him, but he had places to be I guess and he booked it. We waited with Claire's friends for the parents to pick us up, and we went to the pharmacy where the girls stayed in the car and talked about the gypsy clan in front of the car. We came back to the house and I took my new french medicine. We popped a bottle of champagne in celebration of my arrival- too sweet. Then we waited for dinner by playing with the little sister, Laure. She's gonna help me become a pro. For dinner we had fries and mussels, and they were so good! Went out of my comfort zone tonight. I even had seconds. Yum. After dinner we just chatted for a while and then went to bed, just after a quick stalking of Claire's friends.
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