From Coromandel we drove around the coast and up and down mountains, at one point on a dirt road (dont tell the car hire people) through fabulous scenery and with a scary drop at the side of the road. No barriers here!
A brief stop at Hot Water Beach to paddle in a hole dug in the sand, which fills with hot water which bubbles up. Temperatures range from Ouch that's hot to 'what heat'? depending on where the hole is dug. Luckily we were invited to share with 2 Swedish ladies, 2Canadians and a New Zealander who knew what she was doing. $10 for spade hire.
We're now in a fabulous B&B in rolling pasture with beef cattle grazing all around. Millie the cat made us welcome.
Hobbiton was fabulous, even though Andy isn't a massive fan we both loved hearing about filming tricks and seeing the beautifully crafted hobbit homes. There was even a working pole lathe! The feast in the Green Dragon was lovely, so much attention to detail.
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