Whew! The Swiss Alps are just like I imagined ... that is without the big dog carrying whisky or men in leather shorts blowing an alpine horn! The experience we've had on the last four days of our trip here was so unexpected and absolutely over the top!
Not only was Katherina an excellent host (and may I say a great cook as well) but the weather cooperated as well. And the scenery!
OK... lets tell you where we went. We met Katherina at her apartment in Zurich where we spent Wednesday night. City sounds and the fear of being towed made me glad to be out of there first thing Thursday morning.
We headed to Walensee Lake where her family has a summer home. The view from the 'cabin' is outstanding. She gave me the names of the mountains but of course I can't remember. Suffice to say we looked south towards the Weisstannental range. Took a hike up (way up!!) behind the house through pastures and past typical (read: smelly cow barns) mountain huts. We wandered up and down listening to stories of Katherina's childhood and adult antics in these hills. From hiking to camping to screaming down the hills on a toboggan. It really must have been a magical place to be as a child. The local town calls it "Heidiville" which really means a very typical Swiss village.
Next morning we got in the car and headed out for a short (??) day trip to the Appenzeli area. We took a gondola up and walked (forever!!) across a ridge and down past a couple of lakes to the town of Brillisau (?). From the ridge we could look down upon the valley of Appenzeli or across to Germany & Lichenstine. What a great day we had though the day before it had been pouring rain.
Back through the gently rolling hills to the cabin for fondu and a lot of fun.
Next day we headed out to the Maderanertal for an over night hike. This was a gentler hike though there was a lot of uphill.on the first day. As we began our assent to the mountain we were seranaded by a local yodeling club... really. Can you imagine a more perfect setting to head up to the Alpine? Flowers everywhere and music as well! We stayed at a mountain hotel. Im not sure if you call it a refugio or a cabin. All I can say for sure is that it was an unforgettable experience. I really wish we had them in Canada. The food is good... the setting stunning and the rooms weren't bad at all. There were six people in our dorm and we had down comforters, pillows and they even provided 'croc's' to wear so our tired feet could rest. Nice touch!!
Shane and Katherina went for separate hikes in the afternoon while I sat on a rock, looked around, sketched and wrote. It was such a perfect way to spend an afternoon. The hike out the next day was, again, in the sun. Down past an old mountain hotel and to the river which we followed to the car.
Got home in time to do laundry and eat another great meal before we all collapsed in to bed.
There is no way we could have had such a wonderful experience in Switzerland if not for our friend Katherina. Thanks again for all you did for us. We are back in France right now (in Chamonix Mont Blanc. It is beautiful here but it is not Switzerland. Though I never did get a hang of the language (only thing I learned was "Greetsy" which is how you say hi on the mountain paths) I did love the crazy diverse culture, wonderful cheese, great bread and friendly people. With our own personal guide we learned a lot about the culture.
It is good to be in a place where we can communicate (sort of). Two nights here then south before we begin our trip back to Paris on the 22nd.
A big hi to K's family and to Claudia. Looking forward to a visit in Canada.
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